Seriously now, is there a better forum on the internet?

lurch70 said:
i really only hang here ...
the MINI forums also, but those are kind of PC ... have a few hundred posts tops ...
used to hang on those audio fourms, but again, heavily policed and always on topic.
seconded. i used to hang out at and and could only stand it for like 10 posts before i had to stop. could never say anything remotely off-color.
here i can say, "i want to fuck gugs in the ass" and no one notices
dorian gray said:
seconded. i used to hang out at and and could only stand it for like 10 posts before i had to stop. could never say anything remotely off-color.
here i can say, "i want to fuck gugs in the ass" and no one notices

I notice, big guy.

Whatcha doin' later?