Almost had a heart attack yesterday

I had a severe anxiety attack, and it gave me those exact symptoms.. but seriously, check it out, even if its "only" an anxiety attack you need to know if it is(So you can prevent it.).
yep, experienced similar (but not quite that heavy) symptoms earlier this year. turned out to be a panic attack. i started to feel dizzy during a course at university, and the more i (subconsciously) focused on it the worse it became, including numb feelings, disorientation, unability to speak properly etc.
i had my heart checked out after that, and it's fine except for a slight sinus tachycardia which i've had for a few years now, doc said it was fine though.
this shit can really fuck you up though. i honestly thought i was going to die.
best thing you can do is just not to worry about it - after having it checked out by a doctor obviously! the more you worry about it or experiencing it again the more likely you will actually experience it. panic attacks suck hard...
It's a consequence of a modern lifestyle, imho. Spending too much time on the internet, too much time drinking, smoking weed, and just sitting around on your own. Fucks your brain up.
I suffer from anxiety. My first panic attack was similar to what you say.

I'm hypochoncriac and I often think I'm dying. I've got extrasytoles, that is having extra beats of my heart... sometimes they are very uncomfortable and I try to avoid doing sports and exercise cause I think my heart is weak and excercise will kill me. Doctors told me my heart is strong and it is all in my mind.
But fear is fear.

You are 20 years old, you won't die from a heart attack. Anyway, good luck.
Went to the doctor, sat around for 6 hours for them to tell me that I'm too stressed/depressed, which I already kinda knew (but maybe hadn't accepted?)

Either way, my mind was creating the symptoms, now my mind's gonna get rid of them. Thanks for all the support, guys, means a hell of a lot!
EDIT/Update: So I just got a fucking bill from North Memorial Hospital totaling out to $3,310.75. I'm really, really starting to fucking see why everybody is bitching about healthcare in this flaming piece of fucking SHIT of a country. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a heart murmer. I was born 3 1/2 months premature, and basically in 1982, that was VERY early and I wasnt supposed to live. They had me in an oxygen tank. I had open heart surgery shortly after. Everyone calls me a miracle baby.

Anyway, I havent really had any major issues with it (knock on wood) but sometimes I get panic-y and think something is wrong....I get almost that same "sinky" feeling...or fluttery.... and its more of a panic than anything else, I'd assume.

Hope everything goes well. Try to eat better...I know I dont eat healthy at all and I'm afraid I'll be regretting it sometime in the near future.
EDIT/Update: So I just got a fucking bill from North Memorial Hospital totaling out to $3,310.75. I'm really, really starting to fucking see why everybody is bitching about healthcare in this flaming piece of fucking SHIT of a country. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know right , fuck this country's health care system
ahmerica fuck yeh :D