My heart is weird

yes its normal to have arrhythmia from anxiety attacks even if you don't feel like you are having an anxiety attack. Its normal for that to happen but in the case that is only anxiety induced it still can put stress on your heart. Doing cardio if that's the case is highly suggested to help compensate, keeping your heart as healthy as possible to battle the damage that the anxiety attacks have on it. I notice that when I exercise more that my anxiety goes doesn't happen as often, its as intense and the arrhythmia dissipates, so keep your heart healthy and it will treat you well.

However if your arrhythmia is not anxiety induced than DO NOT exercise, you really need to be getting medical treatment before any type of exercising. That's why it would be wise to get a second opinion to know exactly how to keep yourself healthy and if their is anything wrong beyond your anxiety. But still always remember take care of your ehart and it will take care of you, it acting up is a sign that it is telling you something and if you want to live you will listen.
i love how this forum always comes to peoples rescue when it comes to health issues :)
Definately sounds like you're just having a rough time in your head. Your mental health reflects on your physical health, and vice versa. This exacty same type of thing you're describing plagued me for 1,5 years when I was like 19 (started at 19). Now that I'm 22,5 years old, I sometimes still feel the residue of this condition... my heart can go a bit apeshit sometimes. But now it's more like a weird feeling in my chest that almost makes me want to cough, and my heart beats VERY erratically, like it's trying to play double bass pedal at 300 BPM but fails miserably and just ends up stuttering instead.

Of course, this does not show up on EKG tests and stuff like that... the doctors usually tell you your heart is as healthy as a really healthy heart (haha nice analogy huh?). What you need to do is cut down on all crap that's bad for you like smoking, coffee and so on, and just focus on chilling out. Even if you have lots of stuff to do, you have to have this chill out mentality with you. You need to realize the world will not end if you don't finish your tasks in time. It's ok to fuck up :)
Why not dude?

I refuse to have my life dictated by this. I just don't wanna know it...

When they finally diagnosed my father with this, it was already too late. And chances are it'll be the same with me.

His aorta ruptured and he internally bled to death right in my arms, begging not having to die, on St. Nicholas Day when I was 15. He wasn't even 40...

Yeah, full on cliché...

Even if it gets discovered on time you're only having a small chance on surviving which involves a hefty procedure where parts of your aorta are being replaced with artificial sections, thus completely cutting you open.

If I go, I want to go on my terms and I damn surely don't want to know when the countdown's over.


I understand your way of thinking but also... I don't know how old you are but if you're not even near 40 yet, your chances should be pretty good shouldn't it? I mean, IF you have the same condition that is. I don't know what the chances are to even have it if your father did but checking it up early would surely be a good thing, wouldn't it?
Man that's rough dude; I guess it was awhile ago and you've already come to terms with it and whatnot, but FWIW, my deepest sympathies man - if there's any possibility that a Dr. could help you, however, I would think that would be well worth the risk of him giving you a "countdown" as you say (and I'm sure you could ask him to not tell you how long it was)
I used to be very anti-doctor - would have to be dying to go see one and then it would take a kick in my ass from my wife. But that all changed back in 2004 - It was February and I had been feeling crappy all winter, it started on a trip to Edmonton for business the previous December 2003 - I was tired all the time, my heart would be pounding with only a little bit of exertion (a short walk would nearly make me pass out) - well, I let it go for nearly 4 months and finally I gave in and went to my doctor's office. He checked me over, drew blood, and sent me home with an antibiotic - I had a sinus infection.

Well, thinking that was all it was I felt relieved and went home. The next day I received a call from his office telling me I had to come in immediately for some more blood work. I drove down, and had more blood drawn and meet with my doctor. He would not let me leave before getting the results. When they came back, he came in and told me that all of my blood counts - white cells, red cells, and platelets were all about 1/3 what they should be. My red cells, the ones that carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body were so low that he was surprised I was even standing.

The next day I saw an oncologist and had a bone marrow biopsy (all blood cells are created in your marrow) and found out that I had Leukemia. I was told that without treatment I would probably die within a few months. Since then I have had two bone marrow transplants and seem to be doing well, but if I had not gone to see the doctor it is possible that I would have ignored serious symptoms until the point that nothing could be done. At a bare minimum it has bought me nearly six years so far, and hopefully many more.

With that little story I cannot stress enough the importance of getting things checked out even if you are affraid of the answers you may get - I would not be here today had it not been for my wife kicking my ass all the way to the doctor that day in February 2004.
Wow man, leukemia - all I can say is I'm glad you sucked it up and got your ass to the doctor (I personally have never had any aversion, I'm no hypochondriac but when something seems out of the ordinary I definitely schedule an appointment - of course, being insured under my Dad's plan certainly helped, though now that I'm graduated that ship has sailed, so it's COBRA time :Smug: ) But yeah dude, good luck to you, keep on fighting, and make the most out of every day!
Yesterday I was at the cardiologist and my heart seems to be perfect! I always thought I had a Metal Heart.
So Felix, you will have to wait a bit more to inheritate my Jackson.:lol::lol:

They found I've got 'extrasytole' due to nerves probably, but I should not worry about it.

Jind: Your story is amazing, I'm glad you are better now, a cousin of mine didn't have that luck, so cheer up!

Man, I hope you're gonna be okay.

This thread really reminded me of my severe anxiety. I remember not being able to go out into public without it feeling like my chest would explode from my heart pounding so hard.
If it's possibly anxiety, get it checked out ASAP, because if my personal experience is anything to go by, anxiety can totally cripple you mentally. That shit made me virtually confined to my home for ages and honestly I would have preferred being a paraplegic in a wheelchair with a totally perfect mental state than have to endure that shit again.
man, my wife has this exact same thing and a couple doctors told she has nothing to worry about. It is just stress, anxiety..the problem is that stress can bring alot of bad things also to your health. You´d better find your source of anxiety and try to change some habits in there.
You´d better find your source of anxiety and try to change some habits in there.

I think I should change my job.
I work as salesman. I earn enough money for paying my bills and vices, but it is very unpleasant job, I have to face many mistakes my company does (due to some incompetent workers, like shipping products with 3 months of delay, broken parcels, wrong shippings... and so on and so on, everyday giving excuses to my costumers.
Dude, same thing happens to me from time to time.....Its actually been happening the last few days.

I went to a Cardiologist about it, they did an Echocardiogram on my heart.....everything was normal....i had to wear an event monitor for 24 detect the skipped beats. It ended up picking up a couple skips. The doctor basically told me that EVERYONES heart does this..And it could be in upwards of 100 skips a day......However some people are more aware of their heart beat then others.....and can feel and detect their skipped beats. I can sit there and count my heart beats without touching my veins or anything. My wife cannot do that with hers....she has to touch her wrist or neck. So, I am more aware of my heart beats then she is. So what the Doc told me made alot of sence.

They did blood tests as well and found that i have a very slightly active thyroid.....The Doc asked if i noticed the skips more when i am not feeling well. And i thought about it and it seems everytime im sick my heart starts doing werid things around that time.....wether its right before or after getting sick. He said that when i get sick, my thyroid sends too much hormone to my heart causing the skips....he said nothing to worry about.

Ive been coughing and sore throat the last couple days and what do you heart has been skipping.

Ive done ALOT of research on this, cause it freaks me out everytime is happens. Everywhere i looks it seems like its very normal to have these skips.
My first anxiety attack resulted in a heart spasm and I was sure I was going to die. It was the worst feeling imaginable, totally helpless. I learned to deal with these by drinking f-loads of water, exercising, and trying to get 8 hours of sleep every night. I still get them but they are much more manageable now.

That being said, getting checked out by a cardiologist is a good idea.
Sometimes, shortly after I each lunch, other people can count my heartbeats. Visually. The blood vessels in my neck pulse so strong that if I'm wearing a t-shirt it looks a bit like I'm breathing with gills, and if I'm wearing a collared shirt the pulsing makes the collar move in and out. :u-huh: