Alright, I've been trying and trying to not do it...


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
...but I'm prepared to fail.

I want to purchase 3-4 albums, preferably ones that have come out between say, August 2003 and now. I have about $50 to spend, so tell me what the fuck to get.

Get on with it already! Sheesh.
Hmm, neither does Red Stream. But then Red Stream's inventory has really sucked for the last 6 months. I haven't ordered from them in a while.

What kind of stuff you in the mood for?

The Puppet Master is excellent. A fine piece of metal that be.

The new Into Eternity comes out Feb 10th. It's a MUST-HAVE !! I quote Demonspell, "it's Dead or Dreaming x 10". Or something like that. I'm ithcin' to get my review of it published.

An oldie, but you have Decapitated's Nihility, right? I've been listening to this day in, day out as of late. Some of the best drumming I've heard.
Yep, have Decapitated, all of them.

Into Eternity, Kataklysm & Exodus are on the "soon to get" list, once they're out.

I'm in the mood for good:
maybe even prog

Pretty much everything that doesn't end in 'core or is too grindy.
markgugs said:
Yep, have Decapitated, all of them.

Into Eternity, Kataklysm & Exodus are on the "soon to get" list, once they're out.

I'm in the mood for good:
maybe even prog

Pretty much everything that doesn't end in 'core or is too grindy.
You pussy!

I actually just got a promo from Willowtip. It is Capharnaum. They are an excellent technical/brutal death metal band. They are kind of old-school sounding, so I think you would like them for that at least. Go to Willowtip and read about them and download some mp3's.
Black Winter Day said:
MITHRAS - Worlds Beyond the Veil

YES. I'll second The Puppet Master as well, good stuff.

The new Morbid Angel is really good, but I'm in the minority opinion on that one it seems.

Proggy eh? The new King Crimson gets my highest recommendation. Maybe JayKeeley can let you listen to the CD-R copy I gave him first (which reminds me, I never got your feedback on that one Ali! :waah: :lol: ).

If you don't have Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului you NEED it. Bad. Real bad. Sooper-dee-dooper bad. BAD!!!
No grind? No -core? No doom? Well, fuck man, are you looking for shit music? Might as well give the $50 to me.
I thought it was the power metal listeners that like things up their ass. haha

If you're wanting recent stuff, the only ones I can think of are the new Falkenbach and Graveland.
An oldie, but you have Decapitated's Nihility, right? I've been listening to this day in, day out as of late. Some of the best drumming I've heard.
:) .. so you like 'em huh?

The first minute to Babylon's Pride where the drums just build layer by layer as the same riff repeats ... it just blows my nuts off.

This is why I am so pissed at how crappy the new release is.
I think Watchmaker would make a good choice, even if you aren't looking the most extreme stuff around.

Of course since you didn't specifically ask for something to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat as they laugh horrendously at you, perhaps Watchmaker is NOT a good choice. :grin:
INSISION - Beyond the Folds of Flesh .. great disc ... samples and video at

just got it myself and it is pretty awesome ... one of those instant ones.
Dreamlord said:
I thought it was the power metal listeners that like things up their ass. haha

If you're wanting recent stuff, the only ones I can think of are the new Falkenbach and Graveland.
I completely spaced that Graveland had a new album out. Now I just need to find a place to get it from.

And lurch70, congrats, it took until the 16th post in this thread before someone threadjacked it. :)