Do you feel it is alright to curse?

Well... I'm on my best behavior here! *restrains from that oh so funny middle finger emote*

Why seastorm? WHY?! LOL JK!

You are earning many Moderator Affinity Points!

Actually, others here are restraining themselves in ways much greater than you can even imagine. They know who they are ;)

I run a tight ship here! (actually, not really, you guys are so easy to moderate compared to other boards).
You are earning many Moderator Affinity Points!

Actually, others here are restraining themselves in ways much greater than you can even imagine. They know who they are ;)

I run a tight ship here! (actually, not really, you guys are so easy to moderate compared to other boards).

Ya, just a little fun, hahaha! I'm a good boy I am ;). :loco:

But yes, you have a good forum to moderate. The only thing one must worry about is extremely off topic stuff like Truman's political goals and other such things.
I'd love to discuss Truman's political goals!

Trust me, you don't want to see Truman's political posts. They're nasty - I delete them all as he posts them. He's super opinionated and never stops pushing his anti-canine, pro-catnip agenda. Plus he posts about all these conspiracy theories, such as constantly demanding that Matt produce his Georgia birth certificate :rolleyes:
Ja, Ja, Ja!
Okay after the Truman´s Issue...

Words are words, we give them the meaning we want, in our Latinamerican countrys we have words that in some of them are normal and in others are very bad...

the thing is: we are christians, choosed by God to be his people, so the non believers can see the difference that´s call testimony, you can do what you want but, BUT! (here is a BIG BUT...) are we here to curse or to be blessing?
Actually, others here are restraining themselves in ways much greater than you can even imagine. They know who they are ;)

I agree with this video/find it amusing: However, I do NOT appreciate his flanders-like use of the phrase "wowie zowie." I personally find it very offensive.

Also, just gonna throw this out there: :hahamiddlefinger:

That is all.
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Yeah, I liked the video, and that's kinda what I was trying to say above. And yet the fact remains that in almost every case, "bad words" would still fall under into the category of unwholesome communication (as did that emoticon :/).
What does my opinion have to do with creating music?

Besides, somebody already beat me to it...
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