Why do I feel so inclined to impress you?










Supposedly it was because he decided that the galaxy needed order. He felt that he wasn't doing it for selfish reasons like Vader (omg i gotta save my girlfriend), but as a service.

Man, Vader's story could have been so cool and tragic, like a Dracula type of story, mixed with political underhandedness, misguided ideals and a creepy old man taking advantage of a naive boy(lol) but... Lucas made me totally think of Vader as a pussy after those last few films.
What is it? Why the fuck are you so damn important in my life that I don't work so I can try to argue with you? And not just with you, with everyone I come across, for this belief? Why do I feel so right in being wrong ALL THE TIME?! Honestly, I'd say it's driving me nuts but I have the freedom of mind to say "No, I'm not".

I need an external POV, if it pleases anyone to do so...

[Narrator:] Having been rejected by the planet smasher, Ziltoid seeks the council of the omnidimensional creator.

[Ziltoid:] Assuage my confusion about creation and the universe
[Creator:] Yo! Ziltoid, what?s up dude ?
Long time no see? Although I see everything. What's on you mind bro ?

[Ziltoid:] Modular forms and elliptic curves! Infinite fire revolving around infinite parallels fractals of infinite reality, each cascading, gliding in an infinite wheel. Tell me the true nature of my reality!

[Creator:] You gotta chill man!

But Captain Beard has seen through Resonator's facade, and now sets out to expose Resonator for what he really is... A nerd. A nerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd.