how old do you feel?

Well, not to be an ass or anything like that (so sorry if I am), but:
Such as..?

well that was a simple way of just saying that i feel like i've grown up quickly over the past 3 or so years. i have been in intensive rehab programs for months with grizzled old crackheads and junkies, ive wandered the streets of amsterdam alone for a couple of weeks with absolutely no money or any place to go. i've roamed the north end of Hartford, CT at three in the morning looking for a fix in the absolute worst parts of town and had weapons pulled on me. i've had to make the decision to give up the partying lifestyle that i loved so dearly in order to become a functioning human being. i just feel that most 17-20 year olds have not been in these situations. im not trying to seem like the master of redemption or anything, i simply would not trade this 'life experience' for anything. i feel like i have learned some things that most people will never even come close to. but then again, i could never imagine an adult situation such as HAVING A CHILD, and i give you my respect for that. its more intense and serious than anything i've ever done, and we really aren't that different as far as age goes.
well that was a simple way of just saying that i feel like i've grown up quickly over the past 3 or so years. i have been in intensive rehab programs for months with grizzled old crackheads and junkies, ive wandered the streets of amsterdam alone for a couple of weeks with absolutely no money or any place to go. i've roamed the north end of Hartford, CT at three in the morning looking for a fix in the absolute worst parts of town and had weapons pulled on me. i've had to make the decision to give up the partying lifestyle that i loved so dearly in order to become a functioning human being. i just feel that most 17-20 year olds have not been in these situations. im not trying to seem like the master of redemption or anything, i simply would not trade this 'life experience' for anything. i feel like i have learned some things that most people will never even come close to. but then again, i could never imagine an adult situation such as HAVING A CHILD, and i give you my respect for that. its more intense and serious than anything i've ever done, and we really aren't that different as far as age goes.
I'm not trying to compete or anything, so no worries there. What I meant was that I don't think any of the mentioned shitty situations signal anything 'adult', even though many/most in them are of adult age. Getting away from it all, clearly counts as adult though, and I didn't really think about that when I last posted, so kudos to you for that. And the experiences gained are all parts of growing up, something that is different for everyone.
I'm not trying to compete or anything, so no worries there. What I meant was that I don't think any of the mentioned shitty situations signal anything 'adult', even though many/most in them are of adult age. Getting away from it all, clearly counts as adult though, and I didn't really think about that when I last posted, so kudos to you for that. And the experiences gained are all parts of growing up, something that is different for everyone.

right on
I honestly forget my age sometimes. People will ask, and out comes "Twenty....*thinks*...four!"

For the most part I still feel 18.
well there's still at least one thing in sweden you're not legally allowed to do yet at 23 -- get sterilized (you gotta be 25)

so there's still something to look forward to (not for you though)
I feel young enough to feel like planning stuff but old enough to feel like I've missed out on planning stuff.

Also generally my body has no shame calling me back to reason promptly enough whenever I'm up for some youngster activity. Like headbanging *snaps neck*
well there's still at least one thing in sweden you're not legally allowed to do yet at 23 -- get sterilized (you gotta be 25)

so there's still something to look forward to (not for you though)

luckily for me germany doesn't have such silly rules.

I feel old for numerous reasons, I was forced to grow up somewhat early and help deal with various family crises. I still enjoy plenty of immature shit so I guess it balances out.

When I work with colleagues up to 3-4 years older than me I often feel old. Most people my age lack a whole lot of life experience and even more perspective... (except for shit like travelling, sports, vacations and holidays which I never had).
I honestly forget my age sometimes. People will ask, and out comes "Twenty....*thinks*...four!"

:lol: i tend to hesitate for a second too

i guess i feel slightly older than 22, i went from having most of my friends younger than me in college to having most of my friends (and gf) several years older than me since...i suppose i'm emotionally mature for my age but it's more a product of my peer group i think. i'm the youngest dude in both my bands.
Easily feeling between 25-28 physically.

Mentally, it slides betwixt 30-90 depending on who I am speaking with. Have a hard time relating to 20 somethings unless theyre base af.

Age has no relevancy aside as being a marker for time running out. Cant piss away too much of it on horse shit, unless you truly enjoy that which can be labeled as the backside of a caballo. In which case, proceed with moderation. Even this forum is an indulgence that should be cast aside to the pyre of time. I see it going to wayside sooner than later, so may as well partake in the correspondence while its there.

Kind of want to get off of graveyard to see how I truly feel without external stressors. A quasi shift may be created soon, and depending on the off days, may jump on it. Sure would be nice to sleep like a human being again.
Mid 20s probably. I changed quite a bit in my early 20s and have remained pretty much the same since, despite career progressing and probably being fitter the last 2 years than ever before.
I just turned 50 last year ... mentally I have always felt about 10 years younger ... physically, shit is starting to happen ... kidney stones this year, some arthritis in my elbows ... still do about 10-12k steps a day, so staying active.