Alright, my friend just bought a Krank, here's a clip I did with it...

kelch said:
FWIW... coming in awfully late... because I just joined

I'm glad to see the totally over he top reaction to Mark's (Megadeth7684 on HC) post. I've basically stopped hanging at HC due to this sort adolescent stuff. Mark pulled another Krank prank just like this on HC using a modeller or something. I actually like your tone, but I hate being fooled with misrepresentation.

I'll stay here as long as it stays on topic. I'm not interested in being fooled, but I am interested in bettering my tracking of Sneap mega guitar tones types.


I think he really enjoys all the attention his pathetic little vendetta attracts. The guy takes a beating every time, but keeps on going.
I like any pizza that has anchovies on top.

About the diezel, a guy that rehearses in a room next to my band's has one. Actually I don't like what he gets out of it at all. It sounds... ratty. Then again i've never liked any of the tones I've heard out of any of his amps (and that included a triple rect and a xxx that he sold to us, and we're getting a very nice tone out of it now). It obviously has to do with his settings and taste. I'd love to have a go at the diezel myself and see how it goes.
Dont get me involved in your pizza discussion... as Im a NYer, and thusly, all of your opinions on pizza dont count now.. cept maybe for them italians... although pizza's greek, afterall.

Yo Mark...

Ya know I actually find your posts pretty amusing over at HCAF and I think that clip sounded pretty good as well. What I guess I'll never understand is your vendetta against Krank Amps. I mean, by your own admission, you've never played one, right? I dunno, man - I just don't get it... Was it the angry email that Tony sent you that pushed you over the edge? I'm really just interested in why you are so into hassling Krank...

I know you said you did this for "fun", but can you tell me what the fun part is? I don't get it...

All I know is the clip Andy posted of the Krankenstein sounded great to me and got me interested in the amps. Of course, I'll probably just get a 6505+ for high gain sounds since it also sounds great to me and is much cheaper...

sah5150 said:
I know you said you did this for "fun", but can you tell me what the fun part is? I don't get it...
Actually, there are so many people in the world that get all hyped up about stuff just because it's a particular brand, band, person, whatever making it, that I find it quite amusing just to make them feel like fools as you expose them. More than once have I tricked someone into liking a certain band just by saying "look dude! The new In Flames shit!" or something of the sort. "shit, it's [insert band name, brand, person, whatever here]!! It must kick ass". That is a fact and I think we all agree on this. The only problem here is that mark mabe didn't choose the adequate victims for his little joke. In this forum most people are very serious and mature about what they do, and that has turned out to be very unfortunate for him. You can't fool the pros! I do think, however, that some of the reactions where COMPLETELY out of hand.