also i had a lucid dream last night


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
not really much happened at all. i ended up walking around my house in it and staring at myself in the mirror as my face distorted a bit because i was thinking about it doing that and it did.

anyhoo it only lasted a few minutes and then was done.
I seriously want to lucid dream. I don't think that I've ever done it (or I don't remember it for that matter). I rarely remember my dreams as it is, so I don't know if it's possible for me.
A couple weeks ago I had an almost lucid experience. I realized I was in a dream (no dream signs or anything, it was just a spontaneous realization) and then I remembered all that lucid dream shizzie but I was so excited that I woke up immediately into some sort of dream coma state. Then I just lapsed into another unrelated dream.
I've just started trying to lucid dream. I'm off to a good start. Last night I told myself before I went to bed, that I was going to dream about a certain thing, and I ended up dreaming about it and remembering it quite well, though I wasn't lucid. I am also an avid sufferer from sleep paralysis, which they say is good for lucid dreaming. :)
If you do actually suffer from sleep paralysis, might I recommend the soothing sounds of Dredg's "El Cielo", an entire album based on said topic, not to mention wicked awesome independent of any theme in particular. Seriously, I heard it for the first time this fall, and I can't remember a day where I haven't listened to at least one song from that album. Not to mention should you go to, you can download the media player and listen to the whole album and watch their one video, which is ultra sweet, all for free. No, I'm not a member of the band, so this isn't a shameless plug, this is simply a plug for a band I happen to like.
I still haven't been able to figure out exactly how most of that album actually relates to the concept of sleep paralysis, although it is purported to do so. I haven't suffered from sleep paralysis in about a year, which is perfectly fine with me since it really fucked with me when it would happen.
well honestly i have never experienced a lucid dream while sleep paralyzed. usually i get panic attacks.

my lucid dream experiences have been few but have been random enough that i can't say for sure what prompted them.

also i am not a serious pursuer of lucid dreaming either. i don't practice it, i don't read about it. they just happen to me sometimes. :)