Altar of Plauges - White Tomb

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Get it if you don't already have it.

Max, I trust you've probably already got it. If in the unlikely event you haven't, do yourself a favor and get it, especially if you like Primordial, Wolves in the Throne Room, and Negura Bunget.
Yeah, you trust correctly. It's a great album, I might even say better than the last two WITTR albums. I'd say its a similar style, only a bit more hateful sounding, mixed with a little Isis.
I love how these bands open their music. It's very lush and epic sounding, while seething at the same time. It swells and recedes very fluidly, which I like very much.
Matt described it to me as "WitTR + Old Man Gloom"

made me curious at least.

But basically once a band gets hyped on RC, it goes on my ignore list.
I was just going to say something around Wittr + Red Sparrows + Old Man Gloom

There's definitely some post-rock and some sludgy ambient shit noise in it.

I really don't know if I like it or not though.
Oh, track 4 is hillarious. The section starting a bit before 3 minutes is so fucking totally Agalloch's Fire Above, Ice Below sped up a tiny bit.