Alternative Cabs

At the moment, I've got £300 in the bank that I can spare. I've got an Orange Dual Terror which could get me £350 should somebody buy it. Or you can have the amp and £300 in a trade :D

I've also got a 1960's Carlsbro valve PA head. Never had it valued, but it's one of the first amps that Calrsbro did. I had some cabs changed at one point, and had it retubed. But it's not in use currently.

Also got a JCM900 1936 2x12 cab. It's a little tatty, but works perfectly.

Also got: Electro Harmonix 2880 Looper (with foot controller), EHX Double Muff, and EHX Soul Preacher compressor pedal.

If there's any combination of stuff you'd take as a swap, let me know.
Both, and I was able to get it down to 375$. The dude said he'd deliver it to me! W00t.
