Alternative Thoughts


Young Man, Old Soul
Jul 9, 2007
London, England
This thread is dedicated to those of you who don't swallow everything the mainstream media feed you.

Now, I know there will be a lot of people who'll view this thread with skepticism and even maybe ridicule me for my beliefs, but I'm okay with that - this thread isn't (directly) aimed at you. You're more than welcome to join in the discussion though. If it actually develops into one!

The reason I'm creating the thread is that lately in the news I've been seeing more and more references to Al-Qaeda and the infamous boogeyman Osama Bin Laden, (who apparently recently took credit for the failed underwear bomber on Christmas day, which I think was a classic false flag). As well as more and more developments on internet censorship, the naked body scanners, and more, and basically I'm just genuinely interested in finding out what's on your mind.
I don't like the Obama administration in the least bit, but I'm not one of those Glenn Beck people calling his policies "Socialist"

Also, "Change?" He's pretty much the exact same dude as our last president.
Oh man, don't get me started on Glenn Beck. He's a fraud and a phony if I've ever seen one...

I agree with you about the Obama administration though, they've come in and picked up pretty much exactly where Bush and co left off. If I was an American citizen I'd be out there promoting constitutionalists like Ron Paul and Debra Medina... they're the only hope of "change".
no. no that's the sad thing. he's not fraudulent at all. he actually believes the torrent of bullshit that spews from his mouth, nose eyes and pores.
Aw man, you honestly think he believes everything he says? I wouldn't be so sure... Personally I wouldn't advise watching, listening to or supporting Glenn Beck in any way. In my opinion he's nothing but a showman. For me he's way too extreme, way too patronising, and in my opinion, just plain annoying (I never want to see him fake cry ever again in my life). I can't take him seriously at all. He doesn't care about the people, the man's a media whore.
Every time Glen Beck says "I'm a libertarian" I want to destroy my TV...

Supporting the PATRIOT Act, and an interventionist foreign policy are NOT libertarian (or Constitutional) ideals! I'm disgusted that he graduated from a school in my town!!!

It's cool though to see a European support someone like Ron Paul though, Podgie. :) I have the Campaign for Liberty website as my homepage. I'm definitely voting Libertarian or Constitution Party this year, and it's my first year being able to vote so I'm stoked.

I'm really, REALLY hoping Ron Paul gets the GOP nomination though (obviously), I doubt it, it'll probably go to Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee, out of those two I would go with Huckabee because he supports the elimination of the Income Tax (though wants it replaced with the Fair Tax, but it's a step in the right direction).

The weird thing about Sarah Palin though, is that she endorsed Ron Paul's son Rand in the Kentucky Senate Race, seeing as how Rand shares the same views as his father, it'd be interesting to see if Parah Salin will pick up some of his values for the GOP Presidential Race.

As for Osama Bin Laden to kinda sorta get back on topic, having 100 some odd thousand US troops and a 100 some odd thousand mercenaries in Afghanistan isn't the right way for us to find him. We should leave intelligence and special forces there, and now that I think about it, the mercenaries too as they're very motivated to find and eliminate al-Qaeda.
Every time Glen Beck says "I'm a libertarian" I want to destroy my TV...

Supporting the PATRIOT Act, and an interventionist foreign policy are NOT libertarian (or Constitutional) ideals! I'm disgusted that he graduated from a school in my town!!!

Well, I'm really happy to hear you're not a fan of Glenn Beck...


It's cool though to see a European support someone like Ron Paul though, Podgie. :) I have the Campaign for Liberty website as my homepage. I'm definitely voting Libertarian or Constitution Party this year, and it's my first year being able to vote so I'm stoked.

Yeah man, I've always had more of an interest in world news than domestic news, though of course I do keep up to date with what's going on in my own country as well haha The whole interest in US politics began in 2000 or so when I was introduced to Alex Jones (who I know has his critics, but I seriously rate as a film maker, journalist, radio host and all round good guy) by a good friend of mine. Since then I've tried to keep up to date with what's going on in the world, and created my own theories and beliefs. I've always been quite an independent thinker, even as a kid I'd always question what I heard on the news and stuff. I suppose some people are just meant to believe in certain things. Really glad to hear you'll be voting for a creditable party anyway man. If I were there with you, I'd be doing the same.

As for Al-Qaeda/Bin Laden, well, it's 4:30am here so I think I'll leave that for another day maybe. I think I've ranted enough already :lol:
Aw man, you honestly think he believes everything he says? I wouldn't be so sure... Personally I wouldn't advise watching, listening to or supporting Glenn Beck in any way. In my opinion he's nothing but a showman. For me he's way too extreme, way too patronising, and in my opinion, just plain annoying (I never want to see him fake cry ever again in my life). I can't take him seriously at all. He doesn't care about the people, the man's a media whore.

Posts like this make you awesome you know that? :lol:
You just read my thoughts on the man. He's a LOSER.

Edit : Man, I really need to get into politics.....
I have no time for politics

I have no time for religion

I am just waiting to die

As I am sick of the lies

Who would want to be free?

It's just a fuckin fantasay?

Procreation and creation of life

All for what?

To feed another man's vice
I'll give you an alternative thought that me and my lead guitarist discussed. About the big four concerts.
Why the hell wouldn't they rather just play a medley-like set switching members, playing each others covers and make it a show instead of doing the same old boring stuff. Anthrax play, Anthrax off - Megadeth play, Megadeth off....etc.

It sure is alternative, what d'you think?
I like that idea! :D
Even better, Anthrax could start playing "I Am the Law" and then they medley it into "South of Heaven" when Kerry King and Tom Araya come out :lol:
What a sight that would be.
American politics are so fucked up, there's no hope for you guys. It doesn't matter which of the only two realistic parties get in, Republican or Democrat, they are both the lap dogs of the bourgeisie, who have a iron vice grip over the population through hegemony. They will not be properly opposed and fought until the unsustainability of capitalism reaches rock bottom, which is only a matter of time. Until then, things will only get worse.

I love you Podgie for making this thread

Also on the topic of Bin Laden, this explains a lot:
How about a thought for an "Alternative Lifestyle"?
I'd go gay for Podgie. :lol:

On a serious note!
Yeah, I still don't particularly like the idea of parties...... then again I'm not registered to vote sooo.....
American politics are so fucked up, there's no hope for you guys. It doesn't matter which of the only two realistic parties get in, Republican or Democrat, they are both the lap dogs of the bourgeisie, who have a iron vice grip over the population through hegemony. They will not be properly opposed and fought until the unsustainability of capitalism reaches rock bottom, which is only a matter of time. Until then, things will only get worse.

I love you Podgie for making this thread

Yeah, it really is fucked up. Americans today believe they have a choice, between the Republicans and the Democrats. And they make it out like there's a big party rivalry going on, yet on the issues they care about - both parties act as one. Why? Because they're both owned and controlled by the banks, and they're acting in the banks interests. American politics really began to go to shit back in 1913, with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act. Before then, America really was the land of the free, it really was the law abiding and constitutional country (real) citizens dream of today. It states in the constitution that Government has the authority to issue money, which would obviously avoid paying interest to the bankers. And while I agree with metallicdistort that American politics really is fucked up, I think there is a small glimmer of hope... Congress have legal authority to shut down the Federal Reserve (which is not actually federal at all, it's a private bank). This would take away the power to control the government from the bankers. If only every American was educated on the true history of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Act and John D. Rockefeller. They maybe they'd only vote for candidates who want to shut down the Federal Reserve system and stop world government. That's why I'd vote Ron Paul. Hell, he's written a book called End the Fed!

If anyone's interested in the things I just wrote about Aaron Russo made a great film which is pretty much all about the Federal Reserve, it's called America: Freedom to Fascism. Check it out, you can watch the whole thing for free on Google videos.

Oh yeah and, I love you too man.
And while I agree with metallicdistort that American politics really is fucked up, I think there is a small glimmer of hope... Congress have legal authority to shut down the Federal Reserve (which is not actually federal at all, it's a private bank). This would take away the power to control the government from the bankers. If only every American was educated on the true history of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Act and John D. Rockefeller. They maybe they'd only vote for candidates who want to shut down the Federal Reserve system and stop world government. That's why I'd vote Ron Paul. Hell, he's written a book called End the Fed!

Theoretically, it can be overcome, but just look at congress. These guys are the puppets of the banks, and have huge interests to make sure that this undemocratic system stays in place. Until free thinkers are elected into congress there will be no end to this quasi-enslavery. But of course, this will never happen, as in America, power extends out of a man's wallet.

The only way I can see of this system being overthrown would be if enough people actually rise up against the government, instead of relying on the American political system to change things, which it won't. EVERYONE needs to be awakened, told what is going on, there needs to be an organised, mass opposition against this bullshit, before the powers that be are able to fully assert their control over the people. We are already heavily disadvantaged, but people NEED to stop listening to the ideologies that are hegemonised to us, and actually stand up against them, before they eventually wake up and it's too late. But I don't have enough faith in humanity to be able to do this, as the majority are brainwashed by mass media. I'm sure you all know why mass media should be viewed with skepticism.
The only way I can see of this system being overthrown would be if enough people actually rise up against the government, instead of relying on the American political system to change things, which it won't. EVERYONE needs to be awakened, told what is going on, there needs to be an organised, mass opposition against this bullshit, before the powers that be are able to fully assert their control over the people. We are already heavily disadvantaged, but people NEED to stop listening to the ideologies that are hegemonised to us, and actually stand up against them, before they eventually wake up and it's too late.

You're dead right my friend.

While there has been an increased awakening, I too have very little faith in the hordes of TV watching zombies being able to think for themselves. They need to wake up and realise who the real terrorists are before it's too late, and they wake up in Oceania :lol: - I laugh, but it's not funny. It sounds extreme - but it's not.

I try and 'wake' people up and they just laugh, dismiss me as 'just another crazy conspiracy theorist' and tell me to remove my tin-foil hat. It's sad, really.
nothing has gotten better, but more importantly, nothing has gotten worse. That's fine with me. :)

the american government can not and will not (and in my opinion should not) be overthrown. Anyone here can still make a decent living without the government fucking their life up if they actually put in some decent effort. If we lose that, I'd say different, but it's simply not true. Things aren't bad at all as things are currently...

Sure, the system isn't good, it sucks, but we're all still alive and there's no end in sight.