Alternative Thoughts

You can blame religion for alot of that list. Reclaiming "Holy Land" and such BS...... We don't have much time on this planet so why spend it fucking killing each other over stupid shit?

See signature for my opinion on the world.
You can blame religion for alot of that list. Reclaiming "Holy Land" and such BS...... We don't have much time on this planet so why spend it fucking killing each other over stupid shit?

See signature for my opinion on the world.

You signature is the saddest thing because it's the most accurate, it just depresses me of what we do to each other and for what?

I have thought in my darkest hour to leave but I didn't because I know the hurt it causes and I see it in my job the pain of the families when something happens to their loved one, I am just waiting for the end to come which I will embrace fully

Life? Who needs it?
Well at least we got metal:)

Thats one saving grace lol

Seriously I am grateful for a family that loves me, my 2 nephews and niece, I think the world off, my love of music, there is nothing better than hearing new sounds, friends that I can talk with socially and online

I am content but I weep at the world for missing the simple things that can bring joy

Now I am away cos the fitba oan noo'

In the light of the recent events of ‘Operation Moshtarak’ I thought I’d have a little rant about this “war” we’re hearing so much about in the news.

If you go way back and look at the history of Afgahnistan you will see it has been invaded throught it’s history. By the armies of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, British India, twice, once during the First Anglo–Afghan War and again during the Second Anglo-Afghan war, also, the mighty Soviet Union invaded on Christmas eve, 1979. In the end the Soviets were forced out and were left with no choice but face their most humiliating military defeat. I’ve heard stories that in the Panjshir Valley all along the roadside there are still Russian tanks and armed personnel carriers from the Taliban, left there to let people know, look, you failed. Don’t come here again.

Then of course at the turn of the centuary it was the American’s go. The invasion was initially launched to capture the now infamous Osama Bin Laden. The US military have yet to capture him though, and they’re still in Afghanistan today... Taking part in ‘Operation Moshtarak’, along with Birtish and Afgahn troops. After just three days of the operation it is already responsible for the deaths of 17 innocent people.

This is a quote from an Afghan elder I thought was very relevant;

"We have millions of young men coming of age, America doesn’t realize this. Each one will become a fighter with one purpose in life, to free their country and drive out foreign invaders. Each child you see will be a trained soldier with a Kalashnikov. We will fight for a century if we have to. Ask Britain, ask Russia, they know. Why did America have to come here, join with criminal elements, brutal drug lords, mass murderers, people whose only history is brutality toward their own, why was America so stupid as to think we would respect them when they and their stooges rain bombs down on our children?"

My point is, this is a winless war. They could pour a million troops into Afgahnistan and they still wouldn’t “win”. To my knowledge it’s not a place that’s kind to strangers, it is not a place that’s kind to invaders. And every day there are American and British troops there the Taliban will gain support, and more and more innocent people will die.

Rant over.

Woodrow Wilson could have prevented our current plight.

He sends weapons to Britain and France when we had no obligation to (aside from banker profits)
Germany has motivation to sink our ships crossing the Atlantic
Germany sinks a british ship carrying a hundred or so americans
America enters the war
Allies win the War
Germany is defeated again by the treaty of Versailles, severe debt has to be paid towards the Allies, military severely restricted, land taken away
Germany slips into an overwhelming depression
Hitler uses this to gain power
WWII occurs
After the end of WWII, the world is divided between the Capitalist West and Communist East, the Cold War begins
America helps to overthrow the Iranian government, installs an American friendly dictator, America now has a friend on the southern soviet border
The dictator is overthrown
To counterbalance this, Saddam Hussein is put in power with the help of America
Saddam would later invade Kuwait, Americans would install permanent military bases on Saudi Arabian soil to protect oil interests, this pisses off Bin Laden (another result of American Cold War policy)

One thing I forgot to mention, is that if the holocaust never happened, Israel might not be around today, which is another thing that you can chock up on reasons why Bin Laden hates us. Don't get me wrong, I think the Jews deserve a home to call their own, but the unecessary support they receive from the west is just...bleh...not right....

I haven't a single clue where I'm going with this. I meant for this to have a purpose, and I've lost sight of it.:erk:

You're saying Woodrow Wilson could've prevented our current turmoil if he never sent weapons to England before World War 1?
During the European war, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Technically, if the sandwich was never invented, WWI could have been prevented all together.
I see.

There's alot of variables in there though.... What if we never put Saddam in there in the first place?

Its amazing to think how different the world would be if we just changed one or two events.
Slightly off topic maybe?

There was a game like a year or two ago called Turning Point : Fall of Liberty. It was a game about the US in an alternate timeline. In 1939 (?) Winston Churchill was involved in a car accident. He lived. BUT in this game, he died. Meaning we never would've jumped into WWII, Britain would've been overrun and Hitler would've conquered almost the entire western hemisphere.
THAT would be interesting.....

Like I said, possibly off topic, bu it pertained to what we were talking about.

And for the record the game sucked ass. :lol:
My country is pretty much dead to me if Ron Paul does not get the nomination in 2012.

Yeah... I don't know if it'll happen, but I really hope it does.


Glad someone dragged this thread back up anyway. I was browsing iPlayer the other day and I noticed there's a programme on there documenting the attempted Christmas day bombing, I'm at work all day today but I think I'll have to watch that at some point. Seeing as though the whole thing was clearly a staged false flag operation.

Anyone watched it? It's probably watered down BBC bullshit anyway.
I've never seen the BBC's documentary on 7/7, I bet it didn't feature Daniel Obachike!

Just like the documentary on the Christmas day bombing (I just watched it) didn't feature Kurt Haskell. It was pretty disappointing... it didn't feature any CCTV footage of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarding the plane, or mention anything about the 'smartly dressed man' - or anything of the sort. But realistically it was exactly what I was expecting. We're the BBC, terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, we love fear mongering, give up your liberties for freedom - basically.

I'm starting to get really fed up with things in my life. The elections are coming up and I can't bring myself to vote for any of the parties.
I'm pretty fed up with the things over here too. There's no sense of freedom anymore. I look at my parents, and they feel that the income tax is necessary. WHAT?

The Income Tax in a nutshell: "Hello, I'm the government, I own your income and the fruits of your labor, you can keep this much."

I've never comprehended how, or why people could approve of it! Especially knowing what it's all going towards! IT'S SLAVERY! They take your labor, and spend it on themselves. They spend it on failed bureaucracies, and they spend it on an ever increasing world-wide EMPIRE!


Do you guys have income tax in the UK?