Alternative Thoughts

Sounds worse over there....

I can't tell if you're joking or not with that last bit.

I don't know if it's worse... but we kind of have no choice. The inland revenue take the money from our salary before we even get it. Correct me if I'm wrong but every so often US citizens need to file a tax return? I take it some people don't??

I'd be interested to know how much people get taxed in other countries, because I know over here we get taxed a hell of a lot... I know they say it's "purpose is to make sure that the money is available to fund the UK's public services" ... but if I was arse raped while I was walking down the canal this morning on my way to the station I'd bet a years worth of taxes there would be no public servant there to help me. The police in this country are fucking SHIT.

...and nah man, I wasn't joking. You're compeletely sane, you have your head screwed on. The wink was just to add a hint of sarcasm, in the eyes of a lot of people we're the mad ones.
Found an AMAZING song that explains the whole New World Order pretty well. Even has Alex Jones in it, as Podgie will be pleased to hear (even though he's probably already heard it)

I thoroughly recommend everyone watches this, good song either way
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I have heard it before, but you know, I love you for posting it. It's a powerful song. Immortal Technique is an extremely talented and well educated man.

Even if you don't like hip-hop fucking listen to it people. You never know, you might be interested in what the man has to say.
Yeah, I wouldn't take what Leon Panetta and the CIA say as gospel. For every al-Qaeda leader forced into hiding or killed, another will probably be created.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is a winless war. It seems like every other day I hear on the news another British soldier has been killed, and while I have an extreme disliking for the military - it's still wrong all these men and women giving their lives for, well, nothing. They get dubbed heroes when they return home, in a box... but they're not heroes, just pawns in the big game.
Well, it's just my take on it man. I've grown to question almost everything I read or hear in the mainstream media.

The tape said that if the US made the decision to execute, al-Qaeda would also attack the US. That tells me that the US will either not execute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other suspects. Or they will use the threat as an excuse to delay the trial and (using tax payers money) detain the suspects even longer.

"In a previous recording said to be of Bin Laden, broadcast by al-Jazeera in late January, he blamed the US for global warming." - Convenient. The US, our government over here in the UK and the media are desperately trying to condition people to go along with their whole 'green' agenda. Which basically consists of a fuck load of taxes, surprise! :lol:

"A day earlier he praised the attempted bombing of a US airliner on 25 December." - Which was clearly a staged false flag operation by the US in order to bring in the naked body scanners and further expand the already oppressive airport security. As well as keep the general public fearing the "terrorists", of course.
You make it sound so dirty. :lol:

He "planned" 9/11? He dies. Thats my opinion. Al queda tries something, we get a 25 killstreak and nuke em and win. :lol:

Ok, now for the serious part part of this post.

Fighting an invisible enemy with infinite numbers is not a war we should be fighting. We can't play "World Cops" all the time, so I say we pull out. We got the guy who planned 9/11, and Bin Laden is a myth, so there's no point in chasing that.
I think thats all I got for now....
I totally respect your opinion Keenan, and to be honest I created this thread so that people can take advantage of something I feel very strongly about, freedom of speech.

Fighting an invisible enemy with infinite numbers is not a war we should be fighting. We can't play "World Cops" all the time, so I say we pull out.

I wholeheartedly agree with this part of your post. The sad fact is that this 'war on terror' isn't about the kind of terror the public are lead to believe.

US and UK troops won't be pulling out any time soon. You got it dead on when you said fighting an invisible enemy is not a war to be fighting... but it's happening, and we better get used to it because I predict UK and US forces will be there for long, long time to come.

I do however disagree that you've got the guy who planned 9/11.

Though if I'm wrong and that is the case, then why are the troops still there? Well, I think I'll let our good friend metallicdistort tell us that...

They don't want to win. They want to utterly destroy the country and make profits from reconstructing it. Oh, and installing this too:

And let's not forget the genocide of the Afghan people and culture by the fascists in control.

They'll stay there for as long as it takes to get these things done, then that'll be their idea of victory
I don't agree with the war. I have a friend out there right now, quite a close one. So I obviously don't like it. But I don't think the reason for these wars was an inside job, but I do think they took advantage of the situation and stole oil.

I could never call 9/11 an inside job. It was all very real. The only 'inside job' was the choice to go to war and take advantage of what is there I reckon.

But you'll never find me following these conspiracy theories. They're all a bit mad and overhtought most of the time.

But on the whole these things just happen... I don't have major views on them.
I don't agree with the war. I have a friend out there right now, quite a close one. So I obviously don't like it. But I don't think the reason for these wars was an inside job, but I do think they took advantage of the situation and stole oil.

I could never call 9/11 an inside job. It was all very real. The only 'inside job' was the choice to go to war and take advantage of what is there I reckon.

But you'll never find me following these conspiracy theories. They're all a bit mad and overhtought most of the time.

But on the whole these things just happen... I don't have major views on them.

I don't agree with the way the war is being fought, meaning I believe an occupation force is unecessary. However special forces and intelligence forces should remain to bring bin Laden to justice.

Letters of Marque and Reprisal should also be used. We used them against the Barbary Pirates, an "invisible enemy" and it worked fairly well.

At the same time, American imperialism, and our staunch opinion to play favorites with Israel, must end.

I agree, I won't follow 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories like these aren't mad or overthought of. America has been purposefully killing it's people in order to provide an excuse for war since WWI.

You left out the letter that Berlin sent to Mexico, and also the propaganda that the British and the French had sent to us (no offense intended). Not to mention our citizens had invested heavily in Britain and France. The Lusitania, was just a spark.
Governments play the fear card to justify their control over the people and try to justify it as part of the "War against terror".

Take your shoes off before you go through the scanner, why? Does the scanner not bleep cos I am wearing shoes? This is simply a way of controling people by telling them what to do and the sad fact is, you can't refuse, well I would love to see them try it with me when I go to Greece in June cos I will be wearing sandals and no socks as I normally do

We are all being led like sheep, democracy my arse, it's a totalirian society we live in, we have no choice, we have no freedom of speech cos if we did, the government would listen to the people but they don't, they just give us that illusion that we have free speech and we all fall for it

It's to late for this type of talk and I am hauf cut