Alternative Thoughts

Not buying it. Nothing would sway my mind on this stuff unless i got to see first hand and go told by somebody involved... First hand again. Its all shite.

So you believe all historical evidence on the matter is bullshit?

It's a well regarded historical fact that before they entered WWI America purposefully allowed ships to enter German occupied waters (even though the Germans had even took out adverts in the New York Times warning the Americans what would happen), so that when the Germans sunk them they had an excuse to enter the war. And guess who profited most from this war? Good old Uncle Sam.
But that there doesnt prove 9/11 was an inside job. Im on about modern times.

I thought you were talking about Governments killing their own populace in general. My bad.

If you are open minded enough, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 is a good starting point. It's also very entertaining. Admittedly it doesn't prove how 9/11 was an inside job, but it will really make you think how it was all too convenient.

I believe every human being should not just accept things as significant as this to have 'just happened', and they should question what they are told.
Ive seen that and ive always thought nothing of it. It may well have been convenient, and theres oil reasons and such. But i think thats all wrong. But what i dont think is that they killed their own people for it.
I can't be arsed posting something long and thought out right now because I've just got up and I'm suffering from a bit of a bangover, I just wanted to say how happy I am to see this thread being used!!

Oh and Slaytanic, you hit the nail on the head. The act of being forced to take your shoes off before you pass through a scanner, the "pat down" and the new naked body scanners are simply all methods of submission which result in total control. I agree that nobody can prove anything about 9/11 (apart from maybe the architects and engineers, but I'm going to stop right there with 9/11 because in order to express my feelings on the matter properly I would have to write a 2,000 essay :lol:) but there are some topics in here which can be proved, one of which is we ARE living in the rise of a Police State here in the UK and it WILL get bigger and even more draconian.
Ive seen that and ive always thought nothing of it. It may well have been convenient, and theres oil reasons and such. But i think thats all wrong. But what i dont think is that they killed their own people for it.

That's where my example of the Lusitania comes in. The US government have killed their own people in order to benefit themselves before.

But at least you aren't believing everything the mainstream media tells you.
Randy Blythe from Lamb of God would love this topic.

Taken from the "Thank You" section of the liner notes from Sacrament :

"As for the rest of you, (That being 99.99999999999 percent of humanity), you are a disease on this planet, festering and rank. You are killing the earth.If I had a genetic bomb, that would exterminate you all, I would drop it now. Take a look around at the world we live in - ya'll have fucked it up, and you have no one to blame but yourselves."
On an unrelated note, who is more greedy:

Is it the person who has everything and refuses to share what he's earned, or is it the person who's earned nothing, and demands the person who has everything to share what he has with him?
Randy Blythe from Lamb of God would love this topic.

Taken from the "Thank You" section of the liner notes from Sacrament :

"As for the rest of you, (That being 99.99999999999 percent of humanity), you are a disease on this planet, festering and rank. You are killing the earth.If I had a genetic bomb, that would exterminate you all, I would drop it now. Take a look around at the world we live in - ya'll have fucked it up, and you have no one to blame but yourselves."

This is the only smart thing that man has ever said
Misanthropy actually gets old to me after awhile. A starving child, or a starving family doesn't count as shoving the world down through the nine circles of hell. I've been thinking about it lately, we need to stop looking at the world and the whole of humanity as a collective, I prefer to see individuals.

Seeing people as individuals instead of groups is the way to end hate, and most (if not all) of the world's problems. Not everyone is bad, an overwhelming majority of people are good, but people aren't going to see that if they keep looking at humanity as a whole.