Alternative Thoughts

Of course the government cannot be completely eradicated or removed entirely, but things can change. And I don't mean in Obama's sense of the word 'change'. I honestly believe the tight grip the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and the big corporations has over congress is a big factor in their decision making. If, and it's a big if, enough people can realise that voting for a Republican or a Democrat is essentially the same thing, and instead vote in a patriot and a constitutionalist who will end the Federal Reserve and allow the government to issue the money (which they have the authority to do) then it will cut the ties from the bankers.

Of course, deep down, you're right. Nothing will change because the vast majority of the population don't care enough to do their research, or are simply not interested. The vast majority of the population have the same mentality as you (this is NOT a dig at you) and think 'anyone can still make a decent living without the government fucking their life up. Things aren't as bad as they could be. Sure the system sucks (and the government is slowly abolishing the constitution and removing your liberties and everything being an American stands for) but we're still alive.'

If people sit back and do nothing then the world will continue it's evolution into a fear mongering, tax demanding, totalitarian, tyrannical police state.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rant over

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" - Thomas Jefferson
People act like there's nothing wrong with their lives at the moment. But trust me, it could be a lot better. The ruling classes have brainwashedus into thinking that life should just be about working into your grave so that you can buy materialistic things that don't really make your life much better, instead of enjoying the simple things in life that make it good. They've made society so that anyone who chooses not to be obsessed with working most of their life is some sort of "loser". The great Karl Marx theoriticised that if we didn't live in such a capitalist society, we wouldn't have to work over our capacity in order just to survive, in order to help the richest get richer, and we'd have more time to enjoy our lives as it would be far easier to gain social security. With the way capitalism works, the people higher up in the cash chain pay us lower down about 2 hours worth of their wages to do about 40 hours work for example, forcing us to spend more time working than necessary, and leaving us with less time to enjoy our lives.

Ever wondered why suicide rates are astronomically higher than "the good old days"?
If people sit back and do nothing then the world will continue it's evolution into a fear mongering, tax demanding, totalitarian, tyrannical police state.

We're already halfway there

If, and it's a big if, enough people can realise that voting for a Republican or a Democrat is essentially the same thing, and instead vote in a patriot and a constitutionalist who will end the Federal Reserve and allow the government to issue the money (which they have the authority to do) then it will cut the ties from the bankers.

The only quarrel I would have for voting for "patriots" is that many of them tend to be fairly right wing. But I guess you can't really get much more right wing then the current government. It would be the lesser of two evils really.

The problem is the media are convincing people that their votes won't count unless they vote Republican or Democrat, and combined with the first past the post system, people think that voting for someone else won't make a difference, and this then causes even more people to not vote for alternative parties, it's an extremely vicious circle. Just how America's 'rulers' want it to stay. The only way out of this would be mass education and awareness of alternative options, but that will always be supressed, and will never happen unless it happens on a grass roots level. People are gonna have to spread the word themselves. Luckily, people like Alex Jones are getting an increasingly larger audience, and hopefully this will spark real change.
I get the impression me and you could exchange post after post after post in this thread, agreeing with each other on almost every single point. I don't want to make love to you or anything, but you're totally on my level.

I'm glad you mentioned Alex Jones too, because he's doing what you said needs to be done and addressing these issues on a grass roots level. His show is, like you said, getting an increasingly larger audience.

(Yeah, I deleted my comment then reposted it haha, I have no idea why)
I really hope people are open minded enough to, I'd be overjoyed if we have encouraged people to really think about what's going on. But I'm guessing most people would just dismiss us as whack conspiracy theorists, or will just get bored by the involvement of politics they don't care for

This thread looks like it's just going to be me and you for the majority of it
With Ocelot and I tossing in random comments here and there. :p

Did I mention my tax return was $3? Yeah, thats no typo.
So the federal income tax can be abolished. :haha: I'm serious though, you can cut spending down to its Constitutionally restrained level, and abolish the income tax without problems.
I remember hearing in Zeitgeist (a documentary that shouldn't be trusted in most cases) that there is no legal requirement in paying income tax in America. But when I researched into it, there was a lot of conflicting arguments. Income tax may be unconstitutional, but sadly that doesn't stop it from abusing Americans.

As that bastard Henry Kissinger once said: "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little

The constitution means little to a lot of politicians
In the light of the recent events of ‘Operation Moshtarak’ I thought I’d have a little rant about this “war” we’re hearing so much about in the news.

If you go way back and look at the history of Afgahnistan you will see it has been invaded throught it’s history. By the armies of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, British India, twice, once during the First Anglo–Afghan War and again during the Second Anglo-Afghan war, also, the mighty Soviet Union invaded on Christmas eve, 1979. In the end the Soviets were forced out and were left with no choice but face their most humiliating military defeat. I’ve heard stories that in the Panjshir Valley all along the roadside there are still Russian tanks and armed personnel carriers from the Taliban, left there to let people know, look, you failed. Don’t come here again.

Then of course at the turn of the centuary it was the American’s go. The invasion was initially launched to capture the now infamous Osama Bin Laden. The US military have yet to capture him though, and they’re still in Afghanistan today... Taking part in ‘Operation Moshtarak’, along with Birtish and Afgahn troops. After just three days of the operation it is already responsible for the deaths of 17 innocent people.

This is a quote from an Afghan elder I thought was very relevant;

"We have millions of young men coming of age, America doesn’t realize this. Each one will become a fighter with one purpose in life, to free their country and drive out foreign invaders. Each child you see will be a trained soldier with a Kalashnikov. We will fight for a century if we have to. Ask Britain, ask Russia, they know. Why did America have to come here, join with criminal elements, brutal drug lords, mass murderers, people whose only history is brutality toward their own, why was America so stupid as to think we would respect them when they and their stooges rain bombs down on our children?"

My point is, this is a winless war. They could pour a million troops into Afgahnistan and they still wouldn’t “win”. To my knowledge it’s not a place that’s kind to strangers, it is not a place that’s kind to invaders. And every day there are American and British troops there the Taliban will gain support, and more and more innocent people will die.

Rant over.
They don't want to win. They want to utterly destroy the country and make profits from reconstructing it. Oh, and installing this too:

And let's not forget the genocide of the Afghan people and culture by the fascists in control.

They'll stay there for as long as it takes to get these things done, then that'll be their idea of victory
I am so sick of humanity I wish for everything to end

Arguements are pointless as no-ones ever listens, I hate the saying "We will learn from our mistakes", fuckin bullshit as this list show,

*Sorry for the long scrolling down*

List of wars before 1000
* Prehistoric warfare
* Mythological wars
o Battle of Zhuolu about 2500 BC
o Kurukshetra War, based on warfare in the Kuru kingdom of ancient India, ca. 3000-900 BC
o Trojan War, based on events of ca. 1200 BC
* ca. 2530 BC - Battle of Magh Ithe in Ireland
* ca. 2500-2450 BC - Border wars between Umma and Lagash
* ca. 2492 BC - Battle between Haik and Nimrod
* ca. 2330 BC - conquest of Sumer by Lugalzagesi
* 2300 BC - conquests of Sargon of Akkad
* ca. 1720 BC - Kassite attacks on Babylon
* 1650-1600 BC - conquests of Hattusili I and Mursili I
* 1600 BC - Hyksos conquest of Egypt
* 1600 BC - Xia-Shang War in China
* 1430-1350 BC - Kaska invasions of Hatti
* 1100 BC - Sea Peoples harrying the Mediterranean; Dorian invasion
* 1046 BC - Shang-Zhou War in China.

[edit] 999 BC - 1 BC

* 740 BC - 720 BC First Messenian War
* 722 BC - 481 BCE Wars of the Chinese Spring and Autumn Period
* 710 BC - 650 BC - Lelantine War
* 701 BC - Sennacherib's campaigns in the Near East
* 685 BC - 668 BC Second Messenian War
* 595 BC - 585 BC First Sacred War
* 499 BC - 448 BC Persian Wars
o 499 BC - 494 BC Ionian Revolt
o 492 BC - 490 BC First Persian invasion of Greece
o 480 BC - 479 BC Second Persian invasion of Greece
o 478 BC - 477 BC Greek counterattack
o 476 BC - 449 BC Wars of the Delian League
* 480 BC First Sicilian War
* 475 BC - 221 BC Wars of Warring States Period in China
o 260 BC - Battle of Changping
* 464 BC - 455 BC 3rd Messenian War
* 460 BC - 445 BC First Peloponnesian War
* 449 BC - 448 BC Second Sacred War
* 431 BC - 404 BC Second Peloponnesian War
* 410 BC - 340 BC Second Sicilian War
* 395 BC - 387 BC Corinthian War
* 358 BC - 338 BC Wars of the Rise of Macedon
* 357 BC - 355 BC Social War
* 356 BC - 346 BC Third Sacred War
* 343 BC - 290 BC Samnite Wars between Rome and Samnium
o 343 BC - 341 BC First Samnite War
o 327 BC - 304 BC Second Samnite War
o 298 BC - 290 BC Third Samnite War
* 334 BC - 323 BC Wars of Alexander the Great
* 323 BC - 322 BC Lamian War
* 323 BC - 280 BC Wars of the Diadochi
* 315 BC - 307 BC Third Sicilian War
* 274 BC - 200 BC Syrian Wars
o 274 BC - 271 BC First Syrian War
o 260 BC - 255 BC Second Syrian War
o 245 BC - 241 BC Third Syrian War
o 219 BC - 217 BC Fourth Syrian War
o 202 BC - 200 BC Fifth Syrian War
* 267 BC - 261 BC Chremonidean War
* 265 BC - 263 BC Kalinga War
* 264 BC - 146 BC Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage
o 264 BC - 241 BC First Punic War
o 218 BC - 202 BC Second Punic War
o 149 BC - 146 BC Third Punic War
* 215 BC - 168 BC Macedonian Wars
o 215 BC - 205 BC First Macedonian War
o 200 BC - 196 BC Second Macedonian War
o 171 BC - 168 BC Third Macedonian War
* 209 BC - 88 BC Parthian–Seleucid Wars
* 206 BC - 202 BC Chu-Han contention in China
* 191 BC - 188 BC Roman-Syrian War
* 135 BC - 71 BC Roman Servile Wars
o 135 BC - 132 BC First Servile War
o 104 BC - 100 BC Second Servile War
o 73 BC - 71 BC Third Servile War or Spartacist Rebellion
* 133 BC - 89 BC Sino-Xiongnu War
* 122 BC - 105 BC Jugurthine War
* 113 BC - 101 BC Cimbrian War
* 109 BC - 108 BC Gojoseon-Han War
* 91 BC - 88 BC Social War
* 88 BC - 87 BC Sulla's first civil war
* 89 BC - 63 BC Mithridatic Wars
o 89 BC - 85 BC First Mithridatic War
o 83 BC - 82 BC Second Mithridatic War
o 74 BC - 63 BC Third Mithridatic War
* 82 BC - 81 BC Sulla's second civil war
* 58 BC - 50 BC Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars
* 55 BC - 54 BC Julius Caesar's Roman invasion of Britain
* 53 BC - 51 BC Parthian War of Marcus Licinius Crassus
* 49 BC - 45 BC Caesar's civil war
* 44 BC - 30 BC Roman Civil War
o 44 BC Post-Caesarian civil war
o 44 BC - 42 BC The Liberators' civil war
o 44 BC - 36 BC Sicilian revolt
o 41 BC - 40 BC Fulvia's civil war
o 32 BC - 30 BC Antony's civil war
* 40 BC - 37 BC Parthian invasion on Syria and Asia Minor
* 36 BC - 33 BC Marc Anthony's invasion on Parthian Empire

34 BC-22 BC Chinese War
[edit] AD 1 - 999

* 43 Aulus Plautius' Roman occupation of Britain
* 58 - 63 Roman-Parthian War over Armenia
* 60 - 61 Boudica's Uprising
* 66 - 70 The first Jewish-Roman War (aka the Great Jewish Revolt)
* 68 Year of the four emperors, Roman civil war
* 101 - 106 Trajan's Dacian Wars
* 115 - 117 Trajan' s invasion on Parthian Empire
* 115 - 117 Second Jewish-Roman War
* 132 - 135 Third Jewish-Roman War (aka Bar Kokhba's revolt)
* 161 - 166 Parthian war of Lucius Verus
* 166 - 180 Marcomannic Wars
* 184 - 205 Yellow Turban Rebellion in China
* 190 - 191 Campaign against Dong Zhuo in China - A War of the Three Kingdoms
* 193 - 199 Parthian war of Septimius Severus
* 194 - 199 Sun Ce's Conquest of Wu in China - A War of the Three Kingdoms
* 215 - 217 Parthian war of Caracalla
* 220 - 265 War of Three Kingdoms in China
* 228 - 234 Northern Expeditions of Zhuge Liang in China
* 247 - 262 Jiang Wei's Northern Expeditions in China- A War of the Three Kingdoms
* 272 - 274 Palmyrene War of Aurelian
* 291 - 306 War of the Eight Princes in China
* 316 - 589 Civil Wars in China triggered by Wu Hu Invasion, lasted until 589 by Southern and Northern Dynasties
* 376 - 382 Gothic War in the Balkans
* 502 - 506 Anastasian War against the Persians
* 526 - 532 Iberian War between East Romans and Persians over Caucasian Iberia
* 527 - 528 Iwai Rebellion in Japan
* 533 - 534 Vandalic War in North Africa
* 534 - 547 Wars against the Moors in North Africa
* 535 - 553 Gothic War in Italy
* 541 - 562 Lazic War between East Romans and Persians over Lazica
* 572 - 591 Roman-Persian War of 572–591
* 588 First Perso-Turkic War
* 588 - 589 Chen-Sui Wars in China
* 598 - 614 Goguryeo-Sui Wars in Korea
* ~600 - 793 Frisian-Frankish Wars
* 613 - 628 Transition from Sui to Tang in China
* 619 Second Perso-Turkic War
* 627 Battle of Nineveh (627), Third Perso-Turkic War
* 629 - 630 Tang-Göktürks War
* 632 - 633 Ridda wars
* 632 - 677 Byzantine-Arab Wars
* 633 - 651 Islamic Conquest of Sassanid Empire
* 634 - 635 Tang-Tuyuhun War
* 638 Battle of Songzhou, Tang-Tufan War
* 639 - 641 Islamic conquest of Egypt
* 640 - 648 Tang-Xiyu states War
* 645 - 668 Goguryeo-Tang Wars in Korea
* 645 - 646 Tang-Xueyantuo Wars
* 656 – 661 First Islamic civil war
* 650s-737 Khazar-Arab Wars
* 670 - 676 Silla-Tang War in Korea
* 663 Battle of Baekgang
* 672 Jinshin War
* 680 - 1355 Byzantine-Bulgarian Wars
* 711 - 718 Islamic conquest of Hispania
* 715 - 718 Frankish Civil War
* 717 - 718 Siege of Constantinople by the Arabs
* 718 - 1492 Spanish Reconquista
* 732 Balhae expedition to Tang China
* 721 - 737 Arab-Frankish Wars
* 751 Arab-Chinese War
* 756 - 763 An Shi Rebellion China
* 772 - 804 Saxon Wars
* 793 - 1066 Viking raids across Europe
* 827 - 902 Arab conquest of Sicily
* 868 - 883 Zanj Rebellion in southern Iraq
* 892 - 936 War of Later Three Kingdoms in Korea
* 894 - 970 Magyar raids in Germany, France, Italy and Byzantine
* 907 - 960 Chinese Civil War (Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms)
* 927 Croatian-Bulgarian War
* 941 Siege of Constantinople by the Igor of Kyiv
* 977 - 978 War of the Three Henries
* 993 First Goryeo-Khitan War
* 999 Viking Civil War

1000 – 1099

* 1010 Second Goryeo-Khitan War
* 1014 The Battle of Clontarf, Ireland leading to the expulsion of the Vikings by Irish forces under King Brian Boru.
* 1015–1016 Canute the Great's conquest of England
* 1018 Kiev Expedition (1018)
* 1019 Toi invasion
* 1019 Third Goryeo-Khitan War
* 1021–1042 Byzantine-Georgian wars
* 1030 Ladejarl-Fairhair succession wars
* 1043–1044 Rus'-Byzantine War
* 1051–1063 Early Nine Years' War
* 1064–1308 Byzantine-Seljuk wars
* 1066 Norman Conquest
* 1067–1068 War of the Three Sanchos
* 1081–1180 Restoration of the Byzantine Empire
* 1081–1492 Spanish Reconquista
* 1095–1291 Crusades
o 1095-1099 First Crusade

[edit] 1100 – 1199

* 1095-1291 The Crusades
o 1101 Crusade of 1101
o 1147–1149 Second Crusade
o 1187–1191 Third Crusade
* 1122–1127 Jurchen-Sung War
* 1147-1242 Northern Crusades Conflicts distinct from those of the Crusades
* 1159–1176 War of the Lombard League
* 1160–1184 Danish-Slavic Wars
* May 1, 1169 - The English backed Norman invasion of Ireland
* 1170–1203 Khmer-Cham War
* 1180–1185 Genpei War
* 1185–1186 Vlach-Bulgarian Rebellion

[edit] 1200 – 1299

* 1095-1291 The Crusades
o 1202–1204 Fourth Crusade
o 1209–1229 Albigensian Crusade
o 1212 Children's Crusade
o 1217–1221 Fifth Crusade
o 1228 Sixth Crusade
o 1248–1254 Seventh Crusade
o 1270 Eighth Crusade
o 1271–1291 Ninth Crusade
* 1208–1227 Estonian Crusade
* 1211–1276 Mongol invasion of China
* 1213–1214 Angevin-Flanders War
* 1215–1217 First Barons' War
* 1218–1222 Mongol invasion of Central Asia
* 1220–1264 The Age of the Sturlungs
* 1223–1480 Mongol invasion of Rus
* 1223–1236 Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria
* 1231–1273 Mongol invasions of Korea
* 1240 Russo-Swedish War
* 1241–1242 Mongol invasion of Europe
* 1242 Teutonic-Novogorod War
* 1260–1274 The Great Prussian Uprising
* 1262–1267 Berke-Hulagu war
* 1264–1267 Second Barons' War
* 1266–1268 French conquest of Sicily
* 1274–1281 Mongol invasion of Japan
* 1284–1302 War of the Sicilian Vespers
* 1287 Mongol invasion of Poland
* 1288 Mongol invasion of Vietnam
* 1296–1328 First War of Scottish Independence

[edit] 1300 – 1399

* 1301–1453 Byzantine-Ottoman wars
* 1302 French-Flemish War
* 1308 Teutonic takeover of Danzig (Gdańsk)
* 1315 Swiss War of Independence
* 1315–1318 Irish War of Independence led by self proclaimed High King of Ireland, Edward Bruce younger brother of Scottish King, Robert the Bruce
* 1321–1322 Kexholms War
* 1323–1328 Peasant revolt in Flanders 1323–1328
* 1325–1330 Hungarian–Wallachian Wars
* 1326–1332 Polish-Teutonic War (1326–1332)
* 1332–1333 Second War of Scottish Independence
* 1336–1392 Nanboku-chō period
* 1337–1453 Hundred Years' War
* 1341–1364 Breton War of Succession
* 1358 Jacquerie popular revolt
* 1375–1378 War of the Eight Saints
* 1380 Muscovite-Mongol War
* 1383–1385 1383-1385 Crisis in Portugal
* 1385–1399 Tokhtamysh-Timur war
* 1386–1389 Ottoman-Serbian War
* 1386–1404 Timur's invasions of Georgia

[edit] 1400 – 1499

* 1400–1402 Ottoman-Timurid War
* 1405–1427 Chinese conquest of Vietnam
* 1409–1410 Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War
* 1410 or 1411 Ming-Kotte War
* 1414 Hunger War
* 1422 Oei Invasion
* 1420–1436 Hussite Wars
* 1422 Ottoman siege of Constantinople
* 1422 Gollub War
* 1425–1454 Wars in Lombardy
* 1431–1435 Polish-Teutonic War (1431–1435)
* 1443–1468 Albanian resistance against the invading Ottomans
* 1453 Fall of Constantinople
* 1454 – 1466 Thirteen Years' War
* 1455–1485 Wars of the Roses
* 1456 Ottoman siege of Belgrade
* 1460–1462 Ottoman-Wallachian War
* 1467–1477 Ōnin War
* 1467–1603 Wars of Sengoku Period in Japan
* 1471 First Swedish-Danish War
* 1474–1477 Burgundian Wars between the Duchy of Burgundy and the Swiss Confederation
* 1478 – War between the Principality of Moscow and the Republic of Novgorod
* 1478–1479 War of the Priests
* 1480 Ottoman siege of Rhodes
* 1482–1484 War of Ferrara
* 1494–1559 Italian Wars
o 1494–1498 Charles VIII's Italian War
o 1499–1500 Louis XII's war with Milan
* 1496–1499 First Russo-Swedish War
* 1499 Swabian War
* 1499-1503 Ottoman-Venetian War

* 1499–1503 Third Ottoman–Venetian War
* 1500–1504 Second Italian War
* 1500-1537 Muscovite-Lithuanian Wars
* 1508–1516 War of the League of Cambrai
* 1509 First Portuguese–Turkish War
* 1509–1512 Ottoman Civil War
* 1514–1516 Ottoman–Safavid War
* 1515 Slovenian peasant revolt of 1515
* 1516–1517 Ottoman–Mamluk War
* 1519-1521 Polish-Teutonic War (1519–1521)
* 1520–1521 Spanish Conquest of Mexico
* 1520–1522 Uprising of the Comuneros in Castile
* 1521–1526 Italian War of 1521
* 1521–1523 The Swedish War of Liberation
* 1521–1526 Ottoman–Hungarian War
* 1522 Ottoman Conquest of Rhodes
* 1522 The Knights' War
* 1524–1525 The Peasants' War
* 1524–1697 Spanish wars against the Mayas.
* 1526–1528 Hungarian Civil War
* 1526–1555 Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War
* 1526-1576 Mughal Conquest of India
* 1526–1530 War of the League of Cognac
* 1528-1540 campaigns of Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi
* 1529 First war of Kappel
* 1529 Siege of Vienna
* 1529-1532 Inca Civil War
* 1530-1552 Little War in Hungary
* 1531 Second war of Kappel
* 1532-1544 Spanish Conquest of Peru
* 1532–1546 Ottoman–Spanish Habsburg War in the Mediterranean
* 1532–1555 Ottoman–Persian War
* 1533–1536 The Counts' War in Denmark
* 1535–1538 Italian War of 1535
* 1538-1557 Second Portuguese–Turkish War
* 1542–1546 Italian War of 1542
* 1542-1543 Dacke War
* 1537–1544 Renewed Ottoman–Habsburg War in Hungary
* 1540 Russo-Kazan War
* 1546–1547 Schmalkaldic War
* 1548-1549 Burmo-Siamese War invasion of Ayutthaya
* 1551–1559 Italian War of 1551
* 1551–1562 Ottoman–Habsburg War in Hungary
* 1551–1581 Ottoman–Habsburg War in the Mediterranean
* 1552–1555 Charles V's war with Maurice of Saxony
* 1552 Conquest of Kazan
* 1554–1557 Second Russo–Swedish War
* 1558–1583 Livonian War
* 1559–1560 Scottish Rebellion against the French
* 1562–1598 Wars of Religion (aka War of the Three Henries or Huguenot Wars) in France
o 1562–1563 First War of Religion
o 1567–1568 Second War of Religion
o 1568–1570 Third War of Religion
o 1572–1573 Fourth War of Religion
o 1575–1576 Fifth War of Religion
o 1576–1577 Sixth War of Religion
o 1580 Seventh War of Religion (Lovers' War)
o 1585–1598 Eighth War of Religion
+ 1589–1598 Franco-Spanish War

* 1562–1568 Ottoman–Habsburg War in Hungary
* 1563–1570 Northern Seven Years' War (aka Dano–Swedish War)
* 1568–1571 Morisco Revolt in Spain
* 1568-1570 Russo–Turkish War

* 1568–1648 Eighty Years' War (war of Dutch independence)
o 1568–1609 First Phase
o 1588–1654 Dutch-Portuguese War
o 1621–1648 Second Phase

* 1569-1583 Desmond Wars in Munster, Ireland

* 1570-1573 Fifth Ottoman–Venetian War
* 1570-1871 Native revolts against the Spanish empire in the Philippines
* 1571 Russo-Crimean War (1571)
* 1573 Croatian and Slovenian peasant revolt
* 1577–1582 Livonian War
* 1578–1590 Ottoman–Persian War
* 1580–1583 Portuguese Civil War
* 1580-1589 Third Portuguese–Turkish War
* 1585–1604 Anglo–Spanish War (Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588; Defeat of the English Armada, 1589)
* 1590–1595 Fourth Russo–Swedish War
* 1592–1598 Japanese invasions of Korea (Japan against Korea and China)
* 1593–1606 "Long War" between the Habsburgs and the Turks
* 1593–1617 Moldavian Magnate Wars
* 1594–1603 Nine Years War in Ireland (Tyrone Rebellion)
* 1596–1597 Cudgel War in Finland

[edit] 1600–1699

* 1600–1611 Polish–Swedish War
* 1603–1618 Ottoman–Safavid War
* 1605–1618 Russo–Polish War
* 1609 First Anglo-Powhatan War
* 1610–1617 Ingrian War
* 1611–1613 War of Kalmar
* 1620–1621 Polish–Ottoman War
* 1617–1629 Polish-Swedish wars

* 1618–1648 Thirty Years' War
o 1618–1625 Bohemian/Palatine Phase
o 1618–1629 Austro-Transylvanian War
o 1625–1629 Danish Phase
o 1625–1630 Anglo–Spanish War
o 1626–1630 Anglo-French War
o 1627–1631 War of the Mantuan Succession
o 1630–1635 Swedish Phase
o 1635–1648 French Phase
o 1635–1659 Franco-Spanish War
o 1643–1645 The "Hannibal War" (aka Torstenssons War)
o 1645 Renewed Austro-Transylvanian War

* 1620-1645 Manchu Conquest of China
* 1622-1890 Indian Wars
* 1623–1638 Turkish–Persian War
* 1625–1629 Huguenot Uprising in France
* 1627-1636 Manchu invasion of Korea
* 1632–1634 Smolensk War
* 1633-1634 Polish–Turkish War
* 1634 Polish-Swedish War
* 1637 Pequot War
* 1639–1645 Kieft's War

* 1639–1652 Wars of the Three Kingdoms (aka the British Civil Wars)
o 1639 First Bishops' War
o 1640 Second Bishops’ War
o 1641–1649 Irish Confederate Wars
o 1642–1646 First English Civil War
+ 1644–1647 Wars of the Three Kingdoms in Scotland
o 1648 Second English Civil War
o 1649–1651 Third English Civil War
+ 1649–1653 Cromwellian conquest of Ireland
+ 1650–1652 Cromwellian conquest of Scotland
+ 1651-1786 Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years' War

* 1640–1656 Catalan Revolt
* 1640–1668 Portuguese Restoration War
* 1640–1701 French and Iroquois Wars (aka "Iroquois Wars" or the "Beaver Wars")
* 1641–1649 Wars of Castro
* 1644 Second Anglo-Powhatan War
* 1644-1674 Mauritanian Thirty Years War
* 1645–1669 Sixth Turkish–Venetian War ("Cretan War")

* 1648–1653 The Fronde
o 1648–1649 First Fronde
o 1650–1653 Second Fronde

* 1648–1660 The Deluge/Northern Wars, a series of wars involving Poland, Sweden, Brandenburg, Russia, Transylvania and Denmark-Norway
o 1648–1654 Khmelnytsky Rebellion
o 1654–1667 Russo-Polish War (1654–1667)
o 1655–1656 Swedish-Brandenburg War
o 1656–1658 Russo-Swedish War (1656–1658)
o 1657–1658 Dano-Swedish War (1657–1658)
o 1657–1660 Dutch-Swedish War
o 1658–1660 Dano-Swedish War (1658–1660)
* 1651-1986 Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years' War Perhaps the world's longest war. Fought between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly
* 1652–1654 First Anglo-Dutch War
* 1652–1686 Russian-Manchu border conflicts
* 1654–1659 Anglo-Spanish War
* 1655–1660 Peach Tree War
* 1657–1662 Turkish–Transylvanian War
* 1662–1664 Austro-Turkish War
* 1665–1667 Second Anglo-Dutch War
* 1667–1668 War of Devolution
* 1670–1671 Stenka Razin Rebellion
* 1671–1676 Polish–Turkish War

* 1672–1678 Franco-Dutch War
o 1672–1674 Third Anglo-Dutch War
o 1672–1679 War between Brandenburg and Sweden
o 1675–1679 Scanian War between Sweden and Denmark–Norway
* 1673-1681 War of the Three Feudatories
* 1675–1677 King Philip's War
* 1676–1681 Russo–Turkish War
* 1681-1707 War of 27 years between Mughals and the Maratha Empire
* 1682–1699 War of the Holy League
o 1684-1699 Seventh Turkish–Venetian War
* 1683–1684 War of the Reunions
* 1685 Monmouth's Rebellion

* 1686–1700 Russo–Turkish War
o 1687–1689 Crimean campaigns
o 1695–1696 Azov campaigns

* 1688–1697 War of the Grand Alliance
o 1689–1697 King William's War North American part of the War of the Grand Alliance
o 1689–1691 Williamite war in Ireland
o 1689–1691 Jacobite Rising in Scotland

* 1696 Chinese–Mongolian War
* 1699–1700 Darién War

[edit] 1700–1799

* 1700–1721 Great Northern War
o 1715–1717 Polish revolt against King Augustus II
* 1702-1715 Camisard Rebellion
* 1701–1714 War of Spanish Succession
o 1702–1713 Queen Anne's War The North American part of the War of Spanish Succession
o 1703–1711 Hungarian Revolt
* 1707–1709 Astrakhan Rebellion
* 1710–1711 Pruth Campaign
* 1711 Tuscarora War
* 1712–1714 First Fox War
* 1714–1718 Eighth Turkish-Venetian War
* 1715–1717 Yamasee War
* 1715–1716 First Jacobite Rising, "The Fifteen"
* 1716–1718 Austro-Turkish War
* 1718–1720 War of the Quadruple Alliance
* 1722 Dummer's War in Maine
* 1722–1723 Russo-Persian War, 1722–1723
* 1722–1727 Turco-Persian War, 1722–1727
* 1728–1737 Second Fox War
* 1730–1736 Turco-Persian War, 1730–1736

* 1733–1738 War of the Polish Succession
* 1736–1739 Russo-Turkish War, 1736–1739
* 1737–1739 Austro-Turkish War, 1737–1739

* 1740–1748 War of the Austrian Succession
o 1739–1748 War of Jenkins' Ear
o 1740–1742 First Silesian War
o 1741–1743 Hats' Russian War
o 1744–1748 King George's War The North American part of the War of Austrian Succession
o 1744–1745 Second Silesian War
o 1744–1748 First Carnatic War
o 1745–1746 Second Jacobite Rising, "The Forty-Five"

* 1740-1779 Revolt of the Comuneros (New Granada)

* 1743–1747 Turco–Persian War
* 1748–1754 Second Carnatic War

* 1756–1763 Seven Years' War
o 1754–1763 French and Indian War (U.S. name for North American phase)
o 1756–1763 Third Silesian War
o 1756–1763 Third Carnatic War
o 1759–1763 Anglo-Cherokee War
o 1761–1763 Spanish-Portuguese War, 1761-1763

* 1763–1766 Pontiac's Rebellion

* 1766–1799 Anglo–Mysore Wars
o 1766–1769 First Anglo-Mysore War
o 1780–1784 Second Anglo-Mysore War
o 1789–1792 Third Anglo-Mysore War
o 1798–1799 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War

* 1768 Rebellion of 1768
* 1768–1774 Russo–Turkish War, 1768–1774
* 1768–1776 War of the Confederation of Bar in Poland
* 1773–1774 Pugachev's Rebellion
* 1774–1783 First Anglo-Maratha War

* 1775–1783 American Revolutionary War or American War of Independence
o 1778–1783 Anglo-French War
o 1779–1783 Anglo–Spanish War
o 1780–1784 Fourth Anglo-Dutch War

* 1776-1794 Chickamauga Wars
o 1776-1777 Second Cherokee War

* 1777–1779 War of the Bavarian Succession

* 1779–1879 Cape Frontier Wars
o 1779 1st Cape Frontier War
o 1793 2nd Cape Frontier War
o 1799–1801 3rd Cape Frontier War
o 1811 4th Cape Frontier War
o 1818–1819 5th Cape Frontier War
o 1834–1836 6th Cape Frontier War
o 1846 7th Cape Frontier War
o 1851–1853 8th Cape Frontier War
o 1877–1878 9th Cape Frontier War

* 1785-1795 Northwest Indian War
* 1785–1787 Dutch Civil War
* 1787–1791 Austro-Turkish War
* 1787–1792 Russo–Turkish War, 1787–1792
* 1788–1790 Gustav III's Russian War (aka Russo-Swedish War)
* 1788 The Lingonberry War between Denmark-Norway and Sweden
* 1791–1804 Haitian Revolution
* 1792 War in defence of the constitution in Poland

* 1792–1802 French Revolutionary Wars
o 1792–1797 War of the First Coalition
o 1793–1796 Revolt in the Vendée
o 1798–1801 War of the Second Coalition

* 1794 Nickajack Expedition**1798–1800 Quasi-War
* 1794 Kościuszko Uprising in Poland
* 1795–1804 United Irishmen Revolt see Irish Rebellion of 1798, against British rule in Ireland.
* 1796 Persian Expedition of Catherine the Great–1899

And so on, why are we even living? What is the fuckin purpose of this so called life? To destroy each other and for what reason? It's not our land, we are only temporary caretakers, even politics sickens me, they don't look for the interest of their consituents, nobody ever does, it's simply new ways to screw the people and suck the life out of them