Always remember to mix with your screen turned off


Rocket surgeon
Dec 1, 2006
Just stumbled across this weird example of how seeing can easily affect what you are hearing:


P.S. don't take the topic too seriously

whenever he does "F-AH" i hear "F-AH" ...and when he does "B-AH" i hear "B-AH"

i learned about this in school and even back then it didn't really have an effect.

maybe at first glance but it seems like this is more diluted by performance rather than substantial testing. i'm sure if i were in an optimized testing environment it might have an effect.

bah! i dunno!
This has always been a problem for me, the color of my screen really fucks me up. When I'm mixing it with Reaper's gross color's I just can't make it sound good, but if I'm listening to the song exported in Dropbox with a white background in my browser, it sounds fine.
I did hear F-AH. However, when I learned what's happening I also managed to hear B-AH when his mouth is doing the F-AH motion, but only whenever the picture isn't perfectly aligned with the sound.
But he never does "F-AH", thats the effect, the sound was always "B-AH". If you heard "F-AH" at least once, then you did fell for it.

I think you have that wrong ...

the effect they were going for, as I understand it, is that when he does "F-AH" its supposed to sound the same as "B-AH"

that he actually IS doing "F-AH" but somehow your ears process it as only "B-AH" ever being vocalized

maybe I have it wrong, not sure but I heard 2 distinctly different sounds when he switched
No. You have it wrong, and Tim did fall for it - we ALL fall for it, it's a result of the physiology of the human body. He's always ALWAYS doing BAH. Even when the image is him doing FAH. Yet when he's doing FAH visually, we hear FAH. You can prove this by looking away whilst he's doing it - you'll suddenly hear BAH again.