Am I the only one that experiences this?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Vocals without reverb give me physical pain.. my head begins to hurt and my eyes begin to water. No kidding. I like a few rap songs, by Eminem, but struggle to make it through the song just because no reverb is applied to the vocals and it sounds like its in my head. A few metal albums have no reverb on the vocals too, same problem.

Am I weird?
Vocals without reverb give me physical pain.. my head begins to hurt and my eyes begin to water. No kidding. I like a few rap songs, by Eminem, but struggle to make it through the song just because no reverb is applied to the vocals and it sounds like its in my head. A few metal albums have no reverb on the vocals too, same problem.

Am I weird?

Yep o_O
How do you handle day to day conversation?

Do you wear headphones and make everyone talk into a mic with a reverb unit between them?

What are your settings? Can you share impulses?
Vocals are usually sung into a mic a few inches away, people speak a metre or two away, so there's natural reverb.
That being said, I do sometimes get the same pain in conversations, but obviously not as often.
Guess I'm crazy :( Its been getting worse too, never used to notice it, but I'm noticing it in more and more songs now. Its not THAT bad but I just wondered if anyone else had the same issue.
im kind of the opposite. i always struggle with vocal reverbs. they sound too big, they sound too fake, there's too much, its to wide, its not enough, its too quiet, now its too loud.


i managed to squeeze like 3 or 4 presets that actually work to my ears, and i only use them. when i feel daring i try to make a new one and if it succeeds i add to my preset list of working vocal verbs.

you'd be suprised how much you can get away with by just putting a tempo snapped delay turned down really quiet to work for reverb. then again, it doesnt add any stereo depth.

if i do use reverb on vocals, its very tiny, and its only to widen the vocal track so it doesnt sound space-thin and mono.i also use it for effect when needed, audio needs some space sometimes.
Vocals are usually sung into a mic a few inches away, people speak a metre or two away, so there's natural reverb.
That being said, I do sometimes get the same pain in conversations, but obviously not as often.
Guess I'm crazy :( Its been getting worse too, never used to notice it, but I'm noticing it in more and more songs now. Its not THAT bad but I just wondered if anyone else had the same issue.

Then how close do you keep your monitors to your head? ;)
Very weird indeed. The only thing remotely similar to this I can relate to is when I enter my vocal booth: the dead sound of the booth makes me feel a bit like suffocating even if there's no sound and no it's not the lack of air ;)
Maybe you've got it too loud, and your ears are acting like compressors due to the severe SPL levels you're putting on them? The vocals might be the thing that sticks out, because there are a lot of plosives involved, which literally make the ear go SNAP. You'd notice it less with distorted guitars because they're already compressed because of the rectification.
get the people around you talk to a bucket so you can feel more comfortable.

This remind me a funny story, i was with some friends hangin out, when a homeless old guy came and say if he can sing to us for a few bucks, he was drunk so he sang anyway but he picked up a bucket and put it in one side of his head so we can heard his vocals with effect, and there is a pick of that i´ll try to upload it.
Dry vocal tracks are hardly ever pleasant to listen to. We're so used to hearing voices with the natural room ambiance around that it's hard to adjust to a mic being a few inches from the singer's mouth. It's definitely something your brain is over-reacting to for some reason. If you train yourself to listen to dry vocals often it stops being so much of an issue.
Maybe it's a tumor??
