Am i the only one who sets his 6505 like this? Am i crazy?

you seem pretty legit, i'm going to listen to you.

so if i get an 808 it won't force me to drop more cash on a noise gate to go along with it?

Well... If you truly are gigging then a noise gate is always a good idea even if you don't use an OD. An 808 or similar overdrive does clip peaks and as such will bring up the noise floor, but it's not excessive. You can actually run the gain knob lower when you use them to compensate the extra noise. You use an EMG 81, you won't have any issues with noise.

Maxon OD808 is "The" pedal, Maxon OD820 is "The Improved" pedal and I own them both and use them often. On the cheap you can get a BOSS SD-1 and most people won't be able to tell the difference. It sounds different to people who know what to listen for, but you still get a more "boosted" feel from it, so that's what matters. I bought my SD-1 when it cost something like $65, but now they cost what, $30? It's ridiculous. If you change the opamp to a TL072 you get less noise and more lows. That's a neat trick. You can also get more lows by modding one component, which I believe is C4 but it's been a while.

Anyway if you need anything stay in touch, contact link is in my signature. I did a humongous OD shootout on here a while ago, and it has all the units we are talking about, see if you can find it and I'll do the same.
most of those clips sound pretty similar, i think i'll try an sd-1. they're only like 50 bucks on amazon. but.. in YOUR opinion is the 808 THAT much better? is it worth the extra hundred dollars?
most of those clips sound pretty similar, i think i'll try an sd-1. they're only like 50 bucks on amazon. but.. in YOUR opinion is the 808 THAT much better? is it worth the extra hundred dollars?

Well of course it's worth it in my opinion, or else I wouldn't own them all right? :D

It's a subtle difference sure, but as engineers we are always chasing that subtle 5% difference that takes us to the next level. The amount of albums that have been cut using that pedal is increasing every day, the tone is iconic. Some people are willing to pay more for that type of thing. I sure am one of them anyway.
Well of course it's worth it in my opinion, or else I wouldn't own them all right? :D

It's a subtle difference sure, but as engineers we are always chasing that subtle 5% difference that takes us to the next level. The amount of albums that have been cut using that pedal is increasing every day, the tone is iconic. Some people are willing to pay more for that type of thing. I sure am one of them anyway.

ok. i'll go with the sd-1.

and an unrelated question, how can i tell what year my 6505 is?
The guy already likes the tone he's getting, don't understand why everyone's telling him he needs to spend more money now to get an OD.

I have a 5150 and I also have 4 ODs. It's VERY rare that I even use the amp with an OD in front, because that amp doesn't need it at all. It gives it a different tone, yes, but the amount of noise it can potentially introduce is no bueno, plus it can make the amp sound TOO tight for many situations IMO.
The guy already likes the tone he's getting, don't understand why everyone's telling him he needs to spend more money now to get an OD.

I have a 5150 and I also have 4 ODs. It's VERY rare that I even use the amp with an OD in front, because that amp doesn't need it at all. It gives it a different tone, yes, but the amount of noise it can potentially introduce is no bueno, plus it can make the amp sound TOO tight for many situations IMO.

Well of course it matters what hes playing, and what guitars he has. If he has a LP with a JB in the bridge he would have a hard time getting a tight sound for thrash or death metal.
I think you may be a little crazy for like the green channel without a boost for metal. Mostly while the tone may be thick, it still sounds like someone trying to blow their nose, its mud-butt sounding to me.

Regardless, what you like in the room you have to remember as a relatively young guy is that it won't always work live or in the studio. You are going to have to spend a lot of time dialing in your sound (sometimes two sounds) for live and in the studio and it may not be the sound that you want to hear jamming with. Most of the time the sound that works best in those environments grows on you and your tonal preferences will change with experience, like the more you gig, the more you see other bands live, the more you get into the studio or critique big mixes.

As for overdrive pedals, whether you prefer to play with one or not, it is always a wise investment to have at least one if the need ever arises. Don't be fooled by the price, the SD-1 is equal in build quality to the TS-9 and its biggest tonal difference is that the SD-1 has asymmetrical clipping which gives the tone a sharper, less buzzy sound. The difference is very subtle but it is there none the less. And its not a quality thing either, some will like one varation and others will like the other. The biggest reason the Ibanez pedals cost more, is because they know that they can get away with it because people will still buy them. Price does not always correlate with quality.
Well of course it matters what hes playing, and what guitars he has. If he has a LP with a JB in the bridge he would have a hard time getting a tight sound for thrash or death metal.

yeah with my rg550 with an emg 81 in the bridge i have no problem getting a tight brutal metal tone. maybe when i have enough money to get an od and a noise gate COMFORTABLY- by this i mean not being broke afterwards, i'll give it a try and see if i like
yeah with my rg550 with an emg 81 in the bridge i have no problem getting a tight brutal metal tone. maybe when i have enough money to get an od and a noise gate COMFORTABLY- by this i mean not being broke afterwards, i'll give it a try and see if i like

You know when I first started I bought a new tube amp and thought it sounded way better than my practice amp, then I tried a OD with it ( I didn't own it, just borrowed it from my then guitar teacher ) and then thought it sounded like shit without it. I also went from EMG actives to Bare Knuckle passives and think my tone is much better.

Do you have a job or anything? I'm only 17 and it only takes me a week of work to buy an OD or noise gate, and that's with buying weed too ;)
You know when I first started I bought a new tube amp and thought it sounded way better than my practice amp, then I tried a OD with it ( I didn't own it, just borrowed it from my then guitar teacher ) and then thought it sounded like shit without it. I also went from EMG actives to Bare Knuckle passives and think my tone is much better.

Do you have a job or anything? I'm only 17 and it only takes me a week of work to buy an OD or noise gate, and that's with buying weed too ;)

i'm 15 and yeah i shovel driveways and shit when it snows. I love my emg. i don't plan on swapping it for something else anytime soon. i wouldnt want to risk dropping 200 on a bareknuckle pickup and not liking it. now that i've bought my rig every dollar is precious
i'm 15 and yeah i shovel driveways and shit when it snows. I love my emg. i don't plan on swapping it for something else anytime soon. i wouldnt want to risk dropping 200 on a bareknuckle pickup and not liking it. now that i've bought my rig every dollar is precious

Hah 1 BKP is about 130$, 10 more than a X series EMG.

Until you make more money, then if your happy with your gear fuck what anyone else says.
I've tried to use the green channel many times for recording, but mostly it turns out that the reason I prefer it over the red one is that my mix is way too dark. Who'd knew! However, if the green channel tone works for you live, you have no reason to change it. Maybe the red one sounds tighter and more present, especially with an OD, but if you have no need for it, don't go for it. If you like the tone you're getting, and audience can hear you well, you have no reason to change your settings :) Also, you get a plus for originality there, since there are literally thousands of people gigging with downtuned guitars through an OD and red channel of a 5150 or 6505.
Disappointed no one has mentioned the good ol' TS7, or indeed this his thread, hidden in plain sight in the stickies of course:

The TS7 ($40) uses an IDENTICAL circuit to the TS9 ($90), which in turn is only like 2 resistors different from the 808 (Maxon & Ibanez) - Lasse did a shooutout a couple of years ago between a bunch (including the TS7) and they were near indistinguishable (though I did slightly prefer the OD808 tone, but you can easily do the "808 mod" to a TS7/). Also, re: the SD-1, every clip I've heard of it over the years has sounded grittier/dirtier/edgier than the TS series, so I'm not a fan

And finally, if you guys are getting excess noise from your OD's you're using them "wrong" (always a relative term of course), cuz Sneap and all the big boys on here set them with next to no Drive and the Level approximately even with the pedal bypassed (for me like 11:00) - easiest way to tell is crank up the amp, turn up your guitar's volume but mute the strings, and then toggle the pedal on and off, adjusting the level until the noise level is even; basically, it's not being used as a "boost" but more for its filtering effect, which is totally sexual, so in short, buy the damn TS7! :D
Disappointed no one has mentioned the good ol' TS7, or indeed this his thread, hidden in plain sight in the stickies of course:

The TS7 ($40) uses an IDENTICAL circuit to the TS9 ($90), which in turn is only like 2 resistors different from the 808 (Maxon & Ibanez) - Lasse did a shooutout a couple of years ago between a bunch (including the TS7) and they were near indistinguishable (though I did slightly prefer the OD808 tone, but you can easily do the "808 mod" to a TS7/). Also, re: the SD-1, every clip I've heard of it over the years has sounded grittier/dirtier/edgier than the TS series, so I'm not a fan

And finally, if you guys are getting excess noise from your OD's you're using them "wrong" (always a relative term of course), cuz Sneap and all the big boys on here set them with next to no Drive and the Level approximately even with the pedal bypassed (for me like 11:00) - easiest way to tell is crank up the amp, turn up your guitar's volume but mute the strings, and then toggle the pedal on and off, adjusting the level until the noise level is even; basically, it's not being used as a "boost" but more for its filtering effect, which is totally sexual, so in short, buy the damn TS7! :D

that's why is suggested the cheap delta labs! it cost me like $15?