Am I the only one who dosen't like the Dillinger Escape Plan?

I enjoy DeP and if you don't like them it is cool to each his own. I just can not stand people like AllwithinMyMonster that talk shit and make generalizations especially when they have no idea what they are talking about. Named their user after a shitty ass metallica song and probably heard new Metallica before hearing their classic material which is even more embarassing and sad. AllWithin... you are such a fucking idiot fuck. Lets stereotype and generalize an entire genre of people and the way they dress,etc... based on 3 bands and some dipshit at your work that is just as much of a dumb founded dipshit as you. Why dont you both blast St. Anger and fuck each other in the ass like you really want to dick. You don't even know what the fuck metal is you faggot fuck. Kiss my hairy ass you fucking gimp and you better not enjoy it either. Fucking fagget.
And oh yeah... I dont know the first thing about hardcore or metalcore. I've never heard of Dillinger Escape Plan or any of the other bands until I started coming to this board. I still havent heard them, nor do I plan to hear them. I'll keep listening to metal, thanks.
Jazz influences make DEP godlike. THeyre pretty cool muscians

I can't stand them. Saw 'em live back in 2001 and they were just white noise as far as i could tell. I know a lot of extreme metal bands make a similar sound that most people hear as just noise but these guys just had no talent!!
Scourge of Malice said:
thats the stupidest thing anyone has said in this thread.

they are one of the most talented metal bands, whether you like them or not. think you could write, or even play, music like that?

Dillinger Escape Plan ain't Metal.
Technical playing alone is not impressive. I'd rather hear a simpler band that has structure, than a dysfunctional technical band. A huge reason why I prefer classical to jazz, among many other reasons.
Soilent Goat said:
Well said, they are incredible people need to start really listening a bit harder..because I don't what's with all these "No talent" accusations. If you don't like them, fine, but don't be so ignorant as to call them completely untalented.

Secondly, all of these metalcore bands with the At The Gates verses and chugga chugga breakdowns are for the most part complete shit. However, bands like Converge, Glass Casket, Between the Buried and Me, A Life Once Lost, Botch, Into the Moat, The Red Chord, Isis, have talent and actually play thought provoking and complex material..and if I may say so myself also beat 90% of all the power metal and tr00 norweJian black metal faggory that everyone here seems to be jerking off to.

This would be the post of the year if The Red Chord didn't suck horse cock...
Jean-Pierre said:
You're definitely not. Dillinger and every band that sounds like Dillinger should be assembled in front of a firing squad....fucking annoying.

Their not everyone's cup of tea, but is killing everything you dont like the right way to go about making your life more pleasant?