Am i the only one that watches Battlestar Galactica?

The show is almost over and I STILL can't figure out where they are going with this storyline! Anyone care to speculate?

My cousin says they will end up back in time and that they are the original colonies. That doesn't work for me because there has been no time travel set up in the story arc. If anything though, they will all resettle somewhere and then it will start all over again, but even that doesn't really work well for me.

Good show, it keeps me guessing.
My money is that something involving a huge showdown on with Cavill's fleet, the ships of light, and then the seraph's whisk the fleet to Terra, where they co-inhabit for all eternity.

Granted, I wouldn't be surprised if the Seraphs are left out completely from this series. Some say that earlier this season, Starbuck was drawing them in that Demetrius bunk drawing scene. SO, who knows at this point. Starbuck, for all we know, is a Seraph.
I know 3 whole families that are completely addicted to Battlestar Gallactica....I think I'm next, haha
It's just too awesome.

I've been ill this past week and watched everything up to the present in one BSG fest. One of the best shows, ever.
I has awesome shirt
Friday's episode was pretty good. I wonder what all of those flashbacks have to do with anything, if anything.
Finale coming up next week, two hours long!

I'm hoping to see a torn up Galactica ramming into the Cylon base and exploding in a sea of fire.

Do you also think the black hole has anything to do with things having happened before? hmmm, maybe the survivors plunge into it at the end?
Friday's episode was pretty good. I wonder what all of those flashbacks have to do with anything, if anything.
Finale coming up next week, two hours long!

I'm hoping to see a torn up Galactica ramming into the Cylon base and exploding in a sea of fire.

Do you also think the black hole has anything to do with things having happened before? hmmm, maybe the survivors plunge into it at the end?

Black Hole probably has something to do with it... like that's where the Ships of Light come from. And yes. I am still betting on the Ships of Light being involved. To be exact, I'm betting that surviving members of the battle will be carried away on the Ships of Light to Terra, to settle. And I still think Starbuck is one of them.

Honestly though, as long as the ending isn't cavill having some sudden change of heart and everyone living happily ever after, "pulling a sopranos", or a dream ending, I should be pleased. :lol:

As for the Flashbacks, I think people are thinking too much into them (like the assholes who have been coming up with Daniel theories). They were there to kinda show you just how far these people have come, and how much they've changed over the years.

That said, sci-fi shouldn't have split the episode. The episode didn't hold it's own too well, but I'm betting when it's aired next week with the final 2 hours, it'll be received much better.

And it's about god damn time we got to the super cool explosions and shit!
They've set it up pretty nicely. Eric's right, though - this episode doesn't hold up too much on it's own. It's really just setting up the Finale.

I'm hoping for something mindblowing, something fucking nuts - lord knows the show deserves it.
I've been blazing through the seasons so I can be ready for the final episode this week (we're having a big BSG party...Andrew's folks even bought the board game, haha!)

Such a great's incredible.
It's one of those shows that makes you yell at the T.V. :p
Soon we won't be watching Sci-Fi channel anymore... why?

Because they're changing the name to Syfy.


Easily the worst name ever. Surely the 300 other names could have been SLIGHTLY better.

This is what the new hip image looks like:

I sure do hope they turn back now before it's too late. :lol: Then again, they're about to lose 5 million viewers starting Saturday... maybe there are 5 million idiots who think Syfy is cool to replace us.
yeah i heard about that earlier today from one of the dudes who was at the BSG brunch a few weeks back. I'd be more annoyed if the channel hasn't been totally lame for a while. I mean, how many shitty disaster movies and lame 5th rate horror movies do we need to see? After friday, it'll be pretty much unwatchable and irrelevant.
Wait I'm confused. According to the article they had the best year yet ( BSG, Stargate(s) and Doctor Who probably had a good deal to do with that ) so they want to distance themselves from being a science fiction channel? I watch SCIFI because....well, it has SCIFI shows on it.
BSG alone proved that as long as the show is good, no one cares what it is. So why not make some QUALITY scifi shows and reap the rewards.