

Moonclad Reflection
Dec 19, 2001
Buffalo , NY
I just d/l DT's cover of tallicas '' My friend of misery '' very cool stuff! If u heard it , give me your comments , i think it is better then Metallicas oringal version !
Also DT Coverd that Iron Maiden Song '' 22 aciune avune '' lol sorry for the spelling but that one is a great cover too!
I think DT should do a cover of IM's "fear of the dark" , with Mikaels dark brooding voice I think it would kick ass (I just got "best of the beast" from Iron Maiden, and Im fucken hooked)
Originally posted by Qsilver
I haven't heard any covers by DT. Gotta start looking for.

I also got best of the beast this week :)

Too me, the FotD is the best song on the album, its just so soulful. Gets me right here.......:cry: the video kicks ass too, I downloaded it, its a live video and damn that sealed it up. Its a maiden classic.
The whole cd is damn good, listened too it about 3 times through the first day i got it.

As for DT covers, how 22 Acacia Avenue? Never heard IM version or the DT version.
Now I've got 22 acacia avenue and lady in black by DT. Avenue rocked more. I would like to hear that My Friend of Misery cover 'cause original is damn good piece of music.

@Final_Vision: Fear of the Dark is in my top 3 for sure.
btw, wasn't that recorded in Finland? I think it was but I'm not quite sure. Gotta check when I disconnect myself from net and pay a visit to my room.

and have you heard Graveworms cover of FotD?
IMO it's pretty good. not excellent but... good.
poet, is it too much to ask you to get rid of that BIG image in your signature....In essence a signature is basically ehmmm a signature. No ofence meant please, but It's way too big for any mesage you leave....why not trying to put a smaller version on your avatar???
@poet download kazaa man, its a file sharing service. Most likely find it there, thats where I did. It kinda sucks because the version I downloaded is a minute shorter and cuts off about 90% thru the song and its outta synch in parts, Bruce will say something and his lips arent moving but most of its action shots and overall it gives a fuckin amazin feeling, you know that that was a concert to be at. Great preformance.

@fathervic how about your signature? Its way to fucking long, why DONT you get rid of YOURS!
- ;)
hahahhhahah seeeeeeeee, I said no offence meant :p
that sentence allow myself to say whatever I want huh!
but well I guess that the avatar thing is exactly for what poet tried to use in the signature....
sorry, may be I'm getting old XD
@ Final_Vision
I d/l that kazza thing wow what a bitch! it takes 30 min to d/l a song! :*(

@ FatherVic

Is it ok if a just delete the text with the Lethe lyrics the image took like 25 min to finally figure out how the F#ck to but it on the boards!
well it's just that is BIG :p
but nobody else complained, so it's ok if you want to keep it as it is, I'm got used to it. BTW the "tatoo" is a real one or is it fake????
its one of those ones you get from the kiddie vending machines in the front of super markets, where you put a quarter in and twist the knob and it pops out in a ball. ONLY WATER WILL REMOVE IT!

@poet yes, it sucks ass, but what else can you do with a shitty 56k modem. Its like 5 hours to download videos too.......fuck I want dsl.