Amek 9098? Smart C2? Distressor?


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
actually I'm looking for a Smart C2,
they used to be on GS for 1900-2000$ all the time, now that I have got the money I am not able to find one! :(

so I'm searching for alternative ways to spend my money in the U.S.....

I thought about getting the Amek 9098 Pre/EQ (anyone know these?) plus a distressor to have another awesome channelstrip.

you can never have enough preamps! On the other Hand I'd really like to have a nice buscomp.........a distressor wouldn#t hurt either though....

I wanna spend money and can't find what I really want....HELP!

so if you had like 2000$ to spend, what would you get?
The 9098 is a great Pre/EQ.

I'm also a big fan of the Daking Pre/EQ channel strip.

If you're looking for an SSL-esque compressor take a look at the Chameleon Labs 7720. It's a bit 'cleaner' than the C2 or G+ but has a really nice tone and works great on drum sub groups. Cheap too.

Look into a Fatso if you don't need the variable attack/release times. Awesome for thickening just about anything up.