

New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2002
North Caralina,America
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I have been listening to Katatonia for about a 7 or 8 months I Accidentally ran into there name on game website (strange I know) in a computer class of mine. Ever since that day I have tried and tried to get a hold of all of there albums. I have falied miserably up to this point. I have only managed to get a hold of three albums Last Fair Deal Gone Down, Discouraged Ones, and Brave Murder Day. I dont know if it is because I am in america or what but I can not find a single store that carries or orders many if at all of there albums. I would get them off the net but since I have no credit card... Thats a problem I was just wondering if anyone can help me out. Any suggetions at all wold be greatly appreciated.
Well the internet is the easiest way to get their albums so you should try and get a friend or your parents to let you use their credit card. If you do, I recommend

If that isn't possible the next best thing is to have a store order them for you. Any store should be able to get them because their cds aren't that hard to find, even in the U.S. Here is New Jersey there is a kick ass store called Vintage Vinyl. This place rules. They have a huge metal section and I can always find stuff that I would never find in a regular cd store. They were even playing Katatonia once while I was in there.
Thanks for you're suugestions I do apreciate them.
I have tried to get a hold of Katatonia albums at many diffrent record stores but since I live in "hip hop" central I guess it is just going to be a little tougher for me.
Thanks for you're help.
E-Bay is always a good place to start, especially for stuff that's out of print.

By the way, you don't necessarily need a credit card to order stuff from The End Records. I sent them cash and got my CDs. Actually I bought tons of stuff by sending cash around the globe and it always worked for me. Never had any trouble. So you might wanna go for that if the credit card thing is too much of a hassle for you.
Originally posted by nouseforaname
Thanks for you're suugestions I do apreciate them.
I have tried to get a hold of Katatonia albums at many diffrent record stores but since I live in "hip hop" central I guess it is just going to be a little tougher for me.
Thanks for you're help.

Your in North Carolina? I can totally understand your 'hip-hop central' attitude. Where are you located in NC? I know of a couple places where you can probably find all their CDs, as well as lots of other good underground metal bands CDs - such as School Kids Records in Raleigh, B.B.'s Records in Greensborog and Manifest Records in Charlotte (I think..).
The idea of asking a store to order them for you sounds pretty solid. I'm sure somewhere in NC you'll be able to find a metal distributor that'd be happy to help you out.

Good luck!