America is actually pretty bad-ass.

The strategy of battles in the Civil War make sme want to fucking bash my face through my monitor. Well, the infantry strategy during individual battles that is, the overall strategy of Lee and Grant was genius of course, but FUCK the way they used infantry in those days was the equivelant of playing roshambo.
the funny thing about the civil war is the South had the smart generals, until Grant stumbled on the simple but true fact that because we outnumbered the Seccesh, we could win through attrition. And let's dispense with this "Lee was a genius" nonsense...he outmaneuvered morons and simpletons. When it came to crunch time like Gettysburg, he made horrible mistakes, and by prolonging the war long past it's sell by date, he condemned the entire south to a hundred years of poverty.
ALSO: I hear/read alot of stuff about Civil War sharpshooters/snipers but WHERE THE FUCK are they when fucking GENERALS are standing literally a hundred yards behind the lines or less. Sheeeeesh.
dude if you look at the casualty rate of civil war generals, it was through the fucking roof anyway, not like today where generals sit in air conditioned comfort hundreds of miles from the hostilities. Back then they fucking got into the mix.
I hate to tell you guys but Asmode is right. Caesar was a hands-on general/emperor/whatever who rose up in large part for his martial prowess. Rome was very much a place where war heroes vaulted themselves into positions of leadership, and the personal loyalty that the legions felt towards their generals was a big part of that. That Corncobpatrix guy did indeed get captured after leading a gaulish rebellion, was kept in a dungeon for years, and then was publicly executed in rome.
lizard said:
he made horrible mistakes, and by prolonging the war long past it's sell by date, he condemned the entire south to a hundred years of poverty.
Seconded. Should the Confederacy not pushed on for so long after being obviously beaten, things mightve been a little different. But, alas, in the end, the Federals burned it down.