Amon Amarth – Fate of Norns (sampler)


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Amon Amarth – Fate of Norns (2004 sampler)


1. Where Death Seems to Dwell
2. The Fate of Norns
3. The Beheading of a King

Well dammit, I was hoping to get a freebie for a group I’ve wanted to check out for awhile, but this is just a 3 song sampler. Oh well, I understand record labels don’t want people spreading new material across the web, especially before the official release date. At the very least, this is better than the CANNIBAL CORPSE beep fiasco earlier this year. Anyhow, I’m pretty unfamiliar with this well known group, so fanboys please bare with me.

Good solid riffs, constant war drums, and competent but nothing special vocals. Some nice melodic touches here and there, but this is not melodeth. Actually I think I previously referred to this group as “melodic death done right” because they are melodic but don’t leave out the death end of things. I cannot speak for long time AMON AMARTH fans but I see no reason why anyone would be disappointed with this material, if they are looking for death metal with a melodic edge. Provided the rest of the album is as good as these three songs anyhow.

Did you forget to complete that sentence or are you saying I wrote a personal-biased review? Is there any other kind? :loco:
Unfortunately, they left the best song off the sampler. "The Pursuit of Vikings" is one of the year's best songs. When I hear the opening riff, I just want to grab an axe and behead an innocent villager.:kickass:

Coincidentally, the 7/10 score is probably applicable to the entire album. They tried the 'return to roots' thing, but I'm not sure if they succeeded. There are better AA albums out there....but the best release is an EP....
This promo intrigued me enough to probably pick something of theirs up, although I've meant to get that Golden Hall one for ages now.

Should've mentioned I didn't like the production much, but I think I'm just spoiled by that miraculously fitting Aeternus - ...And So the Night Became sound. :kickass:
...And so the Night Became > any Amon Amarth

I have to say. I really enjoyed reviewing AstNB. One of those reviews that I liked writing as I was writing it, if you know what I mean.
I can't listen to the new AA without thinking "Gee, I wish I was listening to Once Sent..."

and yeah Aeternus wipes the friggin' floor with AA.
This sampler should not be reviewed on the website for obvious reasons, but it's more acceptable for a band like Amon Amarth as they do suffer from "if you've heard one song/album, you've heard it all" syndrome, at least from The Avenger onward...
I've been listening to Fate of Norns a lot recently... and I'd probably give it a 8.5/10. "Where Death Seems to Dwell" clicks with me pretty well, and overall I think they did a great job- but of course it cowers in the shadow of "Once Sent..."
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, with One Inch NAD in a thread, you never know which direction things will take. He's like our very own rollercoaster. :)
Hee. Entertainment baby, that's what it's all about. :Spin: