Amon Amarth anti-christian?

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New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2013
I'm new with Amon Amarth, but I love metal music.
I met Amon Amarth maybe one year ago. I didn't listen to lyrics (cuz english is my second language), but after some time I did.
And now... lyrics from "God of war arise". How could I interpret this?

They singing about honor and glory from killing innocents?
Or maybe just murdering for silver, slaves and gold?

I'm not very faithful, but I don't like just an evil and senseless bands which sing about that.
They sing about vikings and how the vikings perceived the world, as well as the religious ways of that time, what can now be talked about as "asatro"

it is history pretty much, like what happened 1000+ years ago

I say:
If you like the music, listen to it
If you can not deal with the specific lyrics, then don't

I can honestly say the band do not find glory in killing...
I can honestly say the band do not find glory in killing...

"Some seek shelter in the church
A refuge for those with faith
But we know how to smoke them out
A pyre will be raised

But those who choose to stand and fight
Will die with dignity"

Who can choose to stand and fight? Peasant? Or his wife?

I know AA is just bit enemy of christians (you can see this even in Ride For Vengeance), but I can't accept the fact that they sing about killing the weak and innocent and call it honor.

Why they don't sing about killing crusaders? They were lawful and evil christians.
"Some seek shelter in the church
A refuge for those with faith
But we know how to smoke them out
A pyre will be raised

But those who choose to stand and fight
Will die with dignity"

Who can choose to stand and fight? Peasant? Or his wife?

I know AA is just bit enemy of christians (you can see this even in Ride For Vengeance), but I can't accept the fact that they sing about killing the weak and innocent and call it honor.

Why they don't sing about killing crusaders? They were lawful and evil christians.

why don't you just listen to another band and let us, the horrible people who 'enjoy' "killing the weak and innocent and call it honor", listen to this magnificent band peacefully! cause we all go out at night and kill weak people (people like you :cough: :cough: )
no one is forcing you to listen to Amon Amarth, so go find yourself another band like the pussycat dolls or some shit like that :D
Maybe you can see it as a painting. From an artist who paints with music and with words. The oeuvre illustrates something, from history or whatsoever, but that does not mean, that the artist necessarily agree with everything he describes in it.
Sure, maybe that's a naive point of view, but as long you don't forget to think it's not so bad I would say.
And liking Amon Amarth?
So now I'm curious: what does it 'splain?

It 'splains he likes shitty music...

as far as him "liking" AA, the fact he is whining like a little girl about the content shows he really doesn't. It's a phase, hopefully he grows out of it.

OR he is a troll, not a very good one but a troll nonetheless.
It 'splains he likes shitty music...

as far as him "liking" AA, the fact he is whining like a little girl about the content shows he really doesn't. It's a phase, hopefully he grows out of it.

OR he is a troll, not a very good one but a troll nonetheless.

You can call me little girl, but I'd probably smash your snout of the wall. I'm not aggressive, but overall ... I'm more than a big.
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