Amon Amarth + food

Sonia G

Dec 18, 2007
Barcelona, Spain
Hey mates. I hope there is no other thread here about this subject :erk: I've searched in the threads for something like this, in order not to repeat threads, but I haven't found any... so here I go...
Ok, imagine that you're lucky, but very very lucky... because you've invited Amon Amarth guys to come to your home for having lunch or dinner and they, delightful, have accepted your invitation (yes, I have a lot of imagination, I know ;)), so you have the pleasure of having THEM at home and sat at your table.... :yow: Which kind of food would you prepare for them? Which dish do you think they would be more satisfied with? Which kind of drink?
Hey Sonia, is Spanish cuisine similar to Mexican by chance? If it's at all as delicious as Mexican food, then i don't think you can go wrong no matter what you serve. :)

They're a bit too full of shit to be edible, and the Baptist ones are high in cholesterol (I'd know). However, their heads may be put upon pikes on the driveway, the lawn covered in their blood so that Gaia herself may boast of thy deeds. :devil:

But boar-meat and mead would be ideal. Also, make sure to have the numbers of certain willing women should they get bored, lest they plunder thy gold and silver.
First of all, kudos to Sonia for coming up with a good thread idea. I have a couple of dishes I could make for them. I have a recipe for a kick-ass chile-relleno casserole. Also make a decent Shepperd's pie as well. Then there is my world-famous (in my world at least) chili. Of course I would have to make sure the house was well stock in the alcohol department. Particulary mead, and whatever else the guys might want. :kickass:
Hey Sonia, is Spanish cuisine similar to Mexican by chance? If it's at all as delicious as Mexican food, then i don't think you can go wrong no matter what you serve. :)

Well, in fact, Spanish cuisine is different from the Mexican one: Spanish cuisine is far better!:lol:, (I'm sorry Mexicans!;)). I mean, Mexican food is delicious but in my opinion is too spicy, and Spanish food is absolutely delicious too but it's not spicy (with the exception of some sauces or "tapas"). So I prefer the Spanish one. I live in Barcelona, which is situated in a region called Catalonia. In Catalonian cuisine, apart from the dishes that are known in the rest of Spain, we have some dishes that are only cooked here, and they are delicious too.

In fact, Mediterranean cuisine in general, as well as tasty, is one of the most healthiest food in the world, but this is only my opinion.

Firstly, I would give them a very cold beer, in order to relax and to feel like if they were at home. For the first dish I would offer them a good "paella" (rice with prawns, squids, peas, bell pepper and chicken or meat), for the second dish I would offer them a "tortilla de patatas" (omelette with potatoes inside), which is delicious. All this accompanied with a good red wine or another beer (or two). And at last but not least, for dessert I would offer them three possibilities, or "crema catalana", or "tarta de Santiago" or, although it's an Italian dessert, "tiramisú". And at the end, a delicious cup of coffee accompanied by (if they smoke) a cigarrette. Not bad, is it?
I'd probably make a variety of Gentse Waterzooi, a stew that originated from leftovers on older times.

But I'd probably make it fresh. It has normally has potatoes, cabbage, sprouts and chicken in it, but I'd probably throw in baby carrots, peas and deer meat. And some good heavy beer on the side.
Obviously roasted wild boar and the cheapest supermarket beer I can find.

As for spanish cuisine... I guess i was unlucky.. I stayed in Malaga for a month (southern coast) so most of the food was seafood. Although it was eatable (edible?) it was just too.. hum.. oily. And I love seafood so I was quite disapointed.
But I guess that when you live in France all other food seems not-so-good :D j/k
(the worst i've tasted was England though... well I can hardly say I tasted english food cause the only places to eat in London are kebabs and fast foods.. english breakfasts and deserts rule though.. and roast beef).
I'd have them bring their own food. They have more money than me :p

I'd have a boar roast, with mead and ale. Oh and fireworks, lots and lots of fireworks that spell out Amon Amarth, then each member of the bands name. Some beautiful woman, blondes, brunettes and redheads..gotta have variety!

Eh, fuck that. I agree with you Tina :lol:
i'll make them a traditional jordanian food, cuz the way its been eaten is just so barbarian. its called mansaf we eat it with our hand, hers a pic of mansaf that my mom made :D


its basically rice and meat :D