Amon Amarth + food


That looks really good. I'm now officially really hungry (just realized now I haven't eaten anything at all today - oops). Thanks a lot.
Hello? they are swedes, I'll tell you, Swedish meatballs okey? just awesome ;)

Hey mates. I hope there is no other thread here about this subject :erk: I've searched in the threads for something like this, in order not to repeat threads, but I haven't found any... so here I go...
Ok, imagine that you're lucky, but very very lucky... because you've invited Amon Amarth guys to come to your home for having lunch or dinner and they, delightful, have accepted your invitation (yes, I have a lot of imagination, I know ;)), so you have the pleasure of having THEM at home and sat at your table.... :yow: Which kind of food would you prepare for them? Which dish do you think they would be more satisfied with? Which kind of drink?


I've never seen yogurt like that.

Word to the wise (and unwise): if you ever come across yogurt that looks like that, don't eat it, unless you want to poison yourself.

no it is actually yogurt, its dry yogurt

the process of it, is cooking the meat with yogurt, then putting the meat on top of white rice.
while eating it u spill the hot cooked yogurt on the rice to eat it

roo meat, steak, burgers, snags and salad!

oh wait, some of us Aussies already did that! :D

edit: i can't and never will bring myself to eating kangaroo or emu though...i can't eat what is on Our coat of's un-Australian! well some may argue otherwise...fuck em! lol!
Middle eastern food is good! Dry yogurt looks funny but the taste is amazing. I love Thai food and sushi! Eating sushi right now in fact, yummers.
yoghurt on meat actually tastes awesome.. im sure you guys have had greek lamb and tzatziki before! I'm sure the middle eastern dish is similar.. middle eastern food ive ever had is actually pretty great!
After watching THE video (episode 3), maybe the best food they could have is a good barbecue (after having a crash course to learn how to light it, obviously)... :muahaha::heh::muahaha::heh::muahaha: :flame: