Amon Amarth + food

You have to try haggis, if only to boast about it. :p But then you realise it tastes pretty damn good after all.

So my menu is a choice of either chicken-in-the-heather (stuffed chicken with haggis and drambuie liqueur sauce), roast salmon with honey, aberdeen angus or venison burgers.

To drink... We have a number of cool beers, like Dragon's Blood Ale, Innis and gunn whisky lager, and Orkney "viking" ale, known as Skull Splitter.

Well, I just made some sour cherry strudel with walnuts yesterday. That is a good welcoming dessert isn't it? The only problem is this strudel is limited to once a year when the cherry tree in my backyard bears fruit. For the rest of the year it will be apple strudel :)
:lol: Molt bé moça! Collons, si que parles bé el català!

:blush:No gens:blush: nomes vaig fer dues anys de "Catala Erasmus" (on és l'accent obert al Mac???) I ja ho vaig oblidar gairebé tot. Va estar força bé. Llevat del dia que a la meva profe se li va ficar al cap que ens havien d'empassar la divisió comarcal de Catalunya... Deu n'hi do... :zombie: