You have to try haggis, if only to boast about it. But then you realise it tastes pretty damn good after all.
So my menu is a choice of either chicken-in-the-heather (stuffed chicken with haggis and drambuie liqueur sauce), roast salmon with honey, aberdeen angus or venison burgers.
To drink... We have a number of cool beers, like Dragon's Blood Ale, Innis and gunn whisky lager, and Orkney "viking" ale, known as Skull Splitter.
Well, I just made some sour cherry strudel with walnuts yesterday. That is a good welcoming dessert isn't it? The only problem is this strudel is limited to once a year when the cherry tree in my backyard bears fruit. For the rest of the year it will be apple strudel
No gens nomes vaig fer dues anys de "Catala Erasmus" (on és l'accent obert al Mac???) I ja ho vaig oblidar gairebé tot. Va estar força bé. Llevat del dia que a la meva profe se li va ficar al cap que ens havien d'empassar la divisió comarcal de Catalunya... Deu n'hi do... :zombie: