amon amarth player

Damn, I hope supplies don't run out before the US release. I want a bottle opener...
Belgar said:
Yeah I paid mine today and it better come with the damn bottle opener.
hehe, yeah that AA bottle opener was the reason why i preordered WOOOS (lol) on metalblade :)
pippozzn said:
i'm from italy, was there at the xmass festival a few years ago with amon amarth, deicide, nile, and GRAVEWORM. we had to call a member of graveworm the same day(in train to milan) to know if it is at alcatraz or anywhere else. (the italien internet pages dont't give very good informations:mad: ).
but i'm from the north, i'm heading to austria or germany:kickass:

Ok grazie :P

Ardbeg said:
Probably 'cause the dates wasn't completely set until last week.

I'm sure the info will be up at Alcatraz shortly...

Thx a lot :notworthy
gnoff said:
I had the same problems with the pre-order page.
Though when I sent the copy of my credit card (first time customer) I added the message that I hoped they would send the other stuff they talked about on the aa player page.

I've got the sunshield already though, so for me it's ok they don't ship it outside of Germany :rolleyes:

Tha page is an awsome idea also, now I've got two songs to listen to and since it starts over and over I don't need to do that myeslf even, just keep the loop :D

Now I'm just waiting to hear about the release of concert tickets so I can get them and start preparing :rock: :kickass:

Take a pic of the sunshield :kickass:
Ahh no wonder y they won't send it. it's for a yugo. and it is too damn big to ship that here. be a big fuckin box. but i'm sure i could get one on an ebay but doesn't even look like it'd fit american cars.