Amon Amarth tonight.

Set was great. As far as I remember:

Twilight Of The Thunder God
Runes To My Memory
Free Will Sacrifice
Valhall Awaits Me
Guardians Of Asgard
North Sea Storm
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
Death In Fire
Victorious March

Encore of Blackbirds and Pursuit which I didn't get to stay for because I didn't want to be stranded in fucking worcester.

Got the tour shirt and the latest from the Absence. Belphegor were excellent. I met my first internet person (Zephyrus from GMD). Into The Pit was killer.
Anyone else notice the surprisingly high number of women at the show? What the fuck was up with that? No really sexy bands playing. Maybe they meant to go to the pop punk show?
Also, I got kicked in the head by a bunch of assholes in combat boots. That's fucking dangerous. They should have been thrown out, imo. Crowd surfing is stupid and obnoxious on it's own - with combat boots it's dangerous.

by the way... apparently there's another show going on upstairs, some pop-punk shit. Should make for interesting fun. >:)
Lol, I noticed all these girls going into that.

I haven't picked it up yet, I need to though.
They were selling it there.
I don't generally post on this board, but I have to say, last night in Worcester was perhaps one of the worst crowds I've ever been in. I've NEVER seen so many douchebags at a metal concert.

Top notch performances from every band, even if I couldn't enjoy most of them because of the crowd (I was there for Ensiferum, I actually got off the floor in the middle of "Treacherous Gods" because of two douchebags behind me who were dead-set on stopping me from headbanging every time I tried to start. The amount of times it happened and the fact that it ONLY happened when I tried to headbang makes me almost positive it WASN'T an accident). Really, what the hell happened last night to bring all the douchebags to the show?

EDIT: Before anything happens to me for posting on the AA forum that I was at the gig for Ensiferum, let me clarify that last night was also my 4th time seeing AA.
I've NEVER seen so many douchebags at a metal concert.

Also, I got kicked in the head by a bunch of assholes in combat boots. That's fucking dangerous. They should have been thrown out, imo. Crowd surfing is stupid and obnoxious on it's own - with combat boots it's dangerous.

Lol, I noticed all these girls going into that.

That's exactly why I just stayed away from the floor and stood in that little area right above the floor, behind that ledge people sit on. I was on the floor at Opeth's show last month, and I knew that if the crowd was that wild for an Opeth concert, I didn't even want to deal with this crowd. I prefer to just watch the bands, as well.

And yeah, I saw all these scene kids walking around after the show.
Last night was an awesome show! My fiance and I had an awesome time.

Wasn't too fond of the absence, Belphegor was great, and to my very happily surprise, my fiance managed to grab the set list, which we proceeded to get signed as I bought their t-shirt.

Next up was Ensiferum, we stayed further up with our buddies for a while and enjoyed ourselves quite a bit nearby the bar on the side with the belphegor/absence merch.

Then of course, the great finale of Amon Amarth, we hung around the mosh pit area, with myself going in every now and then. Great set, though I was hoping to hear Amon Amarth and Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags which were regular plays along the tour.

My fiance and I managed to stay afterward and get our copies of "Twilight of the Thunder God" signed, and she managed to buy a tour shirt. She's loved Amon Amarth for quite some time, and I've been getting into them more and more lately. I noticed afterward in the booklet that Johan is wearing a spazmosity t-shirt, I bought their demo a few years ago from a guy up in NH at a show once, and happened to like it. Wish I had known since they're from his hometown.

I also managed to grab his drumstick.

Btw if anyone happened to notice us. I was the guy in the mayhem shirt (red logo/pure norwegian black metal back) and my fiance was the one nearby wearing a Tsjuder t-shirt which says 1993-2006 and SEE YOU IN HELL below it.