Amon Amarth's "Fate of Norms" - Opinions?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I absoultely loved "vs. the World". It is by far my favorite lifting CD. I was hoping that "Fate of Norns" would continue sonically where "vs." left off. However, I feel it's not as strong. "Fate of Norns", production-wise, seems to lack the fullness in sound that it's predecessor had. The guitars seem a little thinner, and the drums not quite as earth shaking. While I'm on the subject drums, the disc seems to lack the number of very cool, neck-snapping beats that VTW had. It's not a bad disc, just not as strong as I would have liked. Any one else?

I haven't been into the band since the mighty Avenger album. Though I heard this new one is more like Once Sent From the Golden Hall, so maybe I'll check it out.
I totally agree with you Zod. It's not as good as I had hoped it would be. I think the problem is that they didn't have enough time to write songs, they even wrote one in the studio. The album is gonna be remixed though, so that will help the production.
Tranquillian said:
I totally agree with you Zod. It's not as good as I had hoped it would be. I think the problem is that they didn't have enough time to write songs, they even wrote one in the studio. The album is gonna be remixed though, so that will help the production.
That's good to hear.

i don't really see why so many praise VS.t.w., that one was doubtless their weakest effort. it lacked momentum and the production was pretty sucky :|
i'm really looking forward to fate of the norns, but what Tranquillian said about lack of time for song writing sounds pretty worrying...
I didn't think Vs the World was all that good either, though I do think it was better than The Crusher. The bonus disc from VS T W was more interesting than the actual album, and even then I already have the Sorrow Throughout EP.

I felt The Avenger was their last kickass album. The first two songs are easily among their best with The Last With Pagan Blood being my favoite AA song.
That " We are few but strong in will, the last with pagan blood.." bit in The last with pagan blood is one of my favourite AA moments. Another great moment is in Bastards of a lying breed from 4:42 onwards.

I asked Fredrik (the drummer) and he said they are leaning towards the mix that is on the promo.
It's a great album by any bands standard anyhow.
spaffe said:
i don't really see why so many praise VS.t.w., that one was doubtless their weakest effort. it lacked momentum and the production was pretty sucky :|

I disagree with pretty much all of this. I rather enjoy the production, the album sounds full and I especially enjoyed the vocals, very well done and powerful. I have this one and Once Sent From the Golden Hall and I prefer Vs. the World. Death in Fire, Where Silent Gods Stand Guard, Vs. the World, Thousand Years of Oppression, it just all rules.
Hmm. The production isn't "bad" as such but I can't say it fits the band too well. The vocals need more power and the drums definitely need to be more up-front. This production makes it feel more like "Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds" than the last couple of records. Musically, so far (judging by this track only) I really like it. The songwriting DEFINITELY seems to have a more OSFtGH/STtNW feeling to it.
Yeah Erik, the tremelo riffs is what made the early stuff so much better and atmospheric, especially since "Burning Creation" is the greatest AA song ever.

To everyone that has Versus the World with the second disc, I would suggest putting away VtW and checking out their EP instead. I don't even listen to the last three AA albums anymore, but STtNW and OSftGH still get a look in once in a while.

Good to hear that the new one is going back to the original recipe.
Opeth17 said:
I disagree with pretty much all of this. I rather enjoy the production, the album sounds full and I especially enjoyed the vocals, very well done and powerful. I have this one and Once Sent From the Golden Hall and I prefer Vs. the World. Death in Fire, Where Silent Gods Stand Guard, Vs. the World, Thousand Years of Oppression, it just all rules.

yes the vocals where the best part of that album, i agree with you there, but overall i found it too slow and lacking some real punch, which is very much present in the crusher and avenger (song such as "fury divine" and "legend of a banished man"). i've not very good at specifying just way i don't like (as you may have noticed :p) it since i know less than zero about production, instruments and similar things etc hehe

one really positive thing thing about the new album that i can say before even hearing it is that they've finally skipped the manowar-vikings they used on crusher and VS, they where truly horrid and i usually avoid looking at the covers not wanting to ruin the feeling of listening to them :D
I've just listened through it again and it's growing on me. I appreciate it being slower more and more. There are some seriously good tunes on it.