Amon Amarth's top 5

I almost forgot, lol.........................

1) Amon Amarth- gives me goosebumps every time
2) Death in Fire
3) Down the Slopes of Death
4) Friends of the Suncross- the first minute or so absolutely CRANKS
5) Sound of Eight Hooves
Amonn said:
It makes me wanna pick up a sword and go to battle!

hmm oki ..
I get that feeling if I hear something like Rhapsody or Manowar....the corus is always the same...

"I've got a sword and its made of Meeetaaaalllll !! "
I dont really have a top 5, simply because I like every song, but if I'd have to say five it would be(in no order)
-Amon Amarth
-thousand years of opression
-Where silent gods stand guard
-ride for vengeance
-friends of the suncross
Would not really have a clue, AA being my fav band it is kinda hard to say... Definately
Amon Amarth
Victorious March
The Last With Pagan Blood
Burning Creation
Thousans years of oppression
Friends of the suncross
fuck it the whole STTNW, OSFTGH, The Avenger All of the crusher except for maybe a couple of songs and ditto to VTW. But all together how can you go wrong with AA? they are the best band alive.

Also yes i agree AA change in someway between each album but in truth they are always the same and always will be....They have always been the same brutal, emotionally fucking best band in the entire world. and this is why they are superior to any other band ever
am i the only person who doesnt like bloodshed?
at first i liked it... as in the very first time i listened to it. but after that you realize its just teh same boring riff over and over and over. i realy think its the only bad song they ever made. but w/e. what do you guys think?
Bloodshed kinda drags. Not enough riffage.

My top 5....
5. For the Stabwounds In Our Backs (Even if they stole the intro riff from Priest, this song reeks of epic goodness.)
4. Masters of War (SOLOAGE! AA needs more solos. And more choruses like this one.)
3. Ride For Vengeance (Hello, I am the überfast riff and I am here to rip your face off. Any questions? No? Good. *rips your face off*)
2. Bleed For Ancient Gods (Riffage that is borderline thrashy and one of the coolest death choruses ever. "SACRIFICE OUR BLOOD FOR ANCIENT GODS!" Oh yeah, pwned.)
1. Victorious March (Big bad epic motherfucker with enough repetition to hypnotize but not enough to bore, masterful solo work, and yes, great riffage. Fucking genius.)
Pyrus:"3. Ride For Vengeance (Hello, I am the überfast riff and I am here to rip your face off. Any questions? No? Good. *rips your face off*)"

Most definitely, OSFTGH was the first CD I got of theirs and the nanosecond that came on I was like WHOAAAAAAAAAA.....hooked big time.
I gotta tell 'ya, I have Sound of Eight Hooves on my list but have been playing other stuff of theirs besides The Crusher lately so I been listening to it the past few days. I am seriously going to wear that song out on the CD, the riffs are mind blowing, absolutely incredible and it's damm near the only song I been playin', fucking unbelievable.....definitely taking over as my favorite song by them, and thats saying a lot.