Amon Belongs to Tenth!

from hearing from people who went to the chicago show there was only a small handful of people who liked Jess and the Ancient Ones. Majority have been saying they were good but wrong band to have open.
I think it was better to have a band that doesn't match as the opener instead of a band like Attic or Portrait. If they'd done that, it would've been too much of the same thing and I would have gotten tired of King halfway through his set.
I loved Jess and The Ancient Ones, one of my top albums of 2012. Besides Simon and I, no one around us seemed to like em, they were all bashing them saying they sucked and weren't the right opener. Female-Front Occult Psychedelic Doom Rock isn't for everyone but i think it was a good opener and they played phenomenally. I mean, who is the "perfect opener" for King without sounding exactly like KD/MF? I made sure to go to their merch booth after the show and tell them they did a great job and bought a cd and vinyl to support them. Really really nice guys who were very appreciative to hear the good words and get some support, I'm guessing they havent had much on this tour. No one else was even at the merch booth.
Who else could have opened? In a perfect world:

Grim Reaper, Tony Martin's Headless Cross, Candlemass, Satan etc.

At least it wasn't Halcyon Way :kickass:
Truth be told, the King didn't even need an opener. Hell, the opener wasn't even announced until many of the dates (Chicago included) were sold out.
Lately I'd agree with you. I've been listening to Conspiracy way more than any other KD record the past few weeks. It's edged its way into my number one slot.

I saw this a few days ago in St. Louis and there's not anything I can add that hasn't already been said. Easily one of the greatest shows I have ever and will ever see. King's voice was flawless. Now for the MF shows...!
Saw King Diamond in Seattle last night. Great great great show, the guitar solos were out of this world and King sounded great (though I suspect the lady backup singer [his wife?] might have been reinforcing his high register a bit) though I surprised by how many of the songs I wasn't familiar with. Mercyful Fate songs were a nice touch. I expected more Abigail. The stage show was fantastic. They lit a lady on fire, except it wasn't real (bummer) and the lights and catwalks and upside down crosses were a treat. It was at the Moore Theater which is a weird place for a metal show. I was on the second balcony which is WAAAAAY up in the stratosphere so you had to look down and sorta crane your neck and it was just a bizarre feeling of quasi-vertigo for the whole gig. I counted no less than a dozen babes dressed as slutty nuns and I really appreciate those kinds of gestures.

Jess and the Ancient Ones were okay. Like a rockier and more upbeat Blood Ceremony. I didn't mind them really. Wonder how their recordings sound.

The afterparty at the Highline was A FUCKING MADHOUSE. Magic Circle and SATAN plus two local openers that I didn't get there in time for. The bar was so packed, it took half an hour of standing in a line to get a drink. Now I know how K-2 climbers feel. I bought three beers so I wouldn't have to go back in there. Jason from Skelator managed to sneak in the biggest bottle of whiskey I've ever seen so we drank that when we ran out of beer. Magic Circle were good! Very relaxed onstage, a bit sobering after seeing the King. But their vocalist has a golden set of pipes and they played all the songs I wanted to hear (barring Stone Dagger material) and some new stuff that sounds ever better than the album. Very tight too.

SATAN was just incredible, good gods. THAT is a fucking metal band, right there. No bullshit, no backing tracks, no fucking around. Just five dudes who were there at the beginning, are still around now and who will probably still be here in the end. People went absolutely medieval in front of that stage. Crowd surfing, fists raised, hair flying, widdly-widdly fingers during solos. I think the crowd reacted more violently to the new material than the old stuff, which was magical because it's usually the opposite with these bands. Perfect setlist. The guitar playing was actually perfect. It couldn't have been any better. Brian Ross nailed everything. The band totally fed on the energy. The first song they were a little restrained but when they saw how utterly bonkers we were, they cut loose and were running and jumping like they were 20 years younger (and 20 pounds lighter). Sweaty. Girls at Seattle gigs are gorgeous. It was a beautiful evening.

I got 3 hours of sleep and made it back to V-town for my 10am class. What a great night. King Diamond was legend, but the Satan show was perfect and I'll be honest and say that I enjoyed it more.
We didn't get any of those at the Chicago show. There were a couple dudes dressed and made up like King Diamond, though.

At Montreal I saw families of 4. One guy took his 6 year old and drank most of the night. Of course, after the fire sequence the kid got scared/tired and he had to go home/outside.