Amon's Lyrics

i think AA should do whatever the hel they want, if they were to change their image soley for the purpose of sselling more labums and getting more fans; more popularity, that would be a huge sellout.

np- misfits - monster mash
Odis said:
I'd love to hear an AmonAmarth accustic song.
I think I would like that as well, pending how good Hegg's clean vocals are. If he sounds like Quorthon on Twilight of the Gods, then I'll pass unless it's just an instrumental.

Oh, and to address the original post, that would defeat the purpose of being Amon Amarth, wouldn't it?
Hey Guys, Don't U Think That Amon Amarth Should Change Their Lyrics A Bit And To Knock Off The Viking And Norhtren Gods Thing For Sometime?

Yeah, they should totally sing about teen angst and how much high school sucks! Then they'd be totally cool and be on TRL and stuff!

Sonnenritter said:
I think I would like that as well, pending how good Hegg's clean vocals are. If he sounds like Quorthon on Twilight of the Gods, then I'll pass unless it's just an instrumental.

Oh, and to address the original post, that would defeat the purpose of being Amon Amarth, wouldn't it?

I was thinking more of the deep growl-talk that he did in parts of "Thousand Years of Oppression". That was some wicked shit, yo! :p

NP: Ghoul-Maniaxe
Man WTF??? Amon Amarth is the best Goddamn band ever because of the fact that they are so Nordically Northern European Badass! They're SUPERIOR! They sing about the Northern gods and Vikings and combat because it KICKS ASS!!! There's No way they should change their lyrics! I mean, when I listen to some of the songs I feel like im on a fucking longship or standing out in a muddy raining battlefield about to kill so prick I hate with my axe. They kick ass - when you listen to them you can fight anyone. Especially if you have German/Scandanavian ancestry like me because It goes right your damn roots of your genes - to the very lust to kill that drives you. I mean everything having to do with Northern Europeans and the Nordic gods is badass. We're superior to anyone else on the earth, and we could kill anyone else on the face of the earth. If Amon Amarth didn't sing about the Norse Gods they'd be just like almost all other bands - they'd turn into pussies! WE NEED BANDS LIKE AMON AMARTH to keep our Nordic blood flowing strong in our veins and to help us crush our enemies. Some of their guitar solos are so medievally badass and their lyrics are so awesome - it's just so inspiring I mean I get like such a damn combat high listening to their music if someone like touched me Id kill them instantly. Amon Amarth should never change! Furchten Sie Die Nordmanner!
Belgar said:
I second that too, we are the Floridian warrior, orange juice flows thru our veins. One band I had got endorsed by Tropicana pure premium. We hail thee king orangii. :grin: Tomasz knows about it, right? straight FL metal hordes.
Personally, i couldn't care less about what they say, i can't understand it anyway :grin:


"Religion is what the common people see as true, the wise people see as false, and the rulers see as useful."
It would be really cool if AA did an acoustic track, since they are so good at making beautiful leads, harmonies, and melodies. Or even if they just had like an acoustic intro, to make it more epic.

And I agree with all of you, if they didn't sing about norse mythology then it wouldn't be AA. In "Risen From the Sea" the lyrics are about satan, and Johan hates them, that's why those lyrics weren't printed in "The Crusher" booklet.
the mountain of doom, what are they going to sing about? fluffy bunnies and lolly pops. besides why would they change for the whim of one person who is obviously not even a fan, if i had a band i would'nt change if a legion of people told me too. so dont waste your breath.