The manager played all Dio's song except Holy Diver to see what the kid would do...After playing all the songs on the CD except H.D. The manager asked the kid what he thought...The kid said, it's not bad for older rock (knowing that's all the manager pretty much listens to)
Manager: Oh one more song, this one is his most popular
(Manager begins playing...Holy Diver by Dio!)
Kid knows the song and knows who's singing it (Also knows he just said it "wasn't bad")gets pissed and storms off to cooler
My happy ass comes walking in the store less than 10mins after this.
I start laughing as soon as I hear what's going on...
hahah best part,
Kid finally comes out of the cooler and stares at me...
Says..You put him up to this didn't you

Me, I would never (huge ass grin on my face)
The manager and I finish talking about getting a group of us together for the Exodus show in a couple of weeks...
So I asked the kid if he wanted to go..
When he said yes ...(here's where the Vilewoman in me comes out,Vile, Evil whatever you want to call me)
I said, naaa I don't know if you would like it, it's "older" metal
Don't you only like the new stuff and don't need to listen to the older stuff probably wouldn't want to go.
Kid huff back off to the cooler..hahah I thought that was great!
I left cackling!