Amon's Lyrics


New Metal Member
May 5, 2003
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Hey Guys, Don't U Think That Amon Amarth Should Change Their Lyrics A Bit And To Knock Off The Viking And Norhtren Gods Thing For Sometime? I Think That Would Be Better, There R Loads Of Things To Talk About And A Little Change Won't Harm. THAT WOULD MAKE AMON AMARTH THE BEST BAND EVER AND WILL INCREASE THEIR POPULARITY IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
Hmmm, sorry to disappoint you but that would just not be Amon Amarth anymore!
Why change?? They have done it forever! A change now would just be weird! And what's wrong with the lyrics so that other people would dislike them for it?!?

This VIKING and Northern GODS just plainly IS Amon Amarth!
Take that away, and there is no Amon Amarth (imho)
I mean, the music would still be the same, but it would seem unnatural to me.
Maybe you don't get it. Being Vikings is their thing. Just like Deicide always sing Anti-Jesus, Pro-satan songs.

Also, I don't think that Amon Amarth is trying to be the most popular band in the whole world. I think they are just trying to spread their word, which would be:
Believe what you want, just don't FORCE others to believe it.

*edit* Not meant for you Belgiantroll! :p
I don't agree. Johan is a great lyricist. he presents his themes with a personal reflection that makes them fresh, inspiring, and all their (AA's) own.

The lyrics, in my opinion, are one of the biggest highlights on their new album.

"Trust the Runes, they're ours to use"
dude oh my god....I love their lyrics its just pure power and I dont know what I would do if they changed them, Ill tell you one thing though they would no longer be my favorite band, I would feel like they had, in a way, sold out... thats just my opinion though
\m/ \m/
WTF??? "SWEET NIGHTMARE " Is it just me or is it that there seem to be a LOT OF FUCKING LOSERS IN THIS WORLD???? are you a deadshit or what??? "THAT WOULD MAKE AMON AMARTH THE BEST BAND EVER AND WILL INCREASE THEIR POPULARITY IN THE WHOLE WORLD." You are a fucking loser mate! are those Egyptian homebrews fucking with your brain? Saying this is sooooooo fucking stupid! like they care how big they are, they play the music and sing about what they want cos they love that shit! they dont do it for the popularity like i guess u would if u were in a band half as good as them! get yourself a life and dont question AA
I think that he may have been joking, at least I hope he was joking :eek:

If Amon Amarth changed their style everytime someone said so then what the hell would they be...Limp Bizkit.

If that post was serious then I think someone should carry on listening to MTV, and not tell real musicians what to do. :lol:
Yeah... HAHAHA, "amon amarth - love songs", or how about "amon amarth - evil satan dark funerals of darkness and evil", HAHAHA. Naw man, Amon changing style would be like Bolt Thrower changing style - it's not gonna happen. If it aint broke, don't fix it.
I dont care about what AA's lyrics are talking about, all I care is music, but like few said above; AA is Northern viking death (bloody) metal, and changing lyrical style/way would change the hole band to be something else.

I'd love to hear an AmonAmarth accustic song.

Now that would be a fucking great thing, but I doubt that they would cath the energy of raw riffs on acoustic guitars, or then it would need to be a viking love song ;)

np: Helloween - Liar
He's just over eager to get AA out into the rest of the world...I think his intentions are good (?), but misguided.

But, remember one thing sweet's best to accept a band for what it is, and how they are, than think of ways to change them. If they change themselves and expand a different direction? Well, that's their business. But, you'll never be satisfied with any band, ever, if you sit and think of ways they should be. Accept it for what it is, not what it isn't...or what you want it to be. It will increase the enjoyment you get from music.

No flame here dude. Just an old fucker who gave up long ago saying: "Wish they'd do this/that". It's FUTILE.
Pentelesh said:
I dont care about what AA's lyrics are talking about, all I care is music, but like few said above; AA is Northern viking death (bloody) metal, and changing lyrical style/way would change the hole band to be something else.

I'd love to hear an AmonAmarth accustic song.

Now that would be a fucking great thing, but I doubt that they would cath the energy of raw riffs on acoustic guitars, or then it would need to be a viking love song ;)

np: Helloween - Liar

I just had this inner AA accoustic in my head, it would be sweeet :hotjump: Malevolent Creation did a ballad and they're still well respected death metal so I can't see what's the problem...