Amorphis photos

Since I don't want to inundate this one post with a ton of shots, here are four that I took at Myötätuulirock way back in 2010. It was my first time shooting and I was nervous and running back and forth. I've grown a lot in the time since I shot these and had I had my skills that I have now, I believe a lot of these would be much better. However, I am happy with many that I ended up getting.




In those Umeå photos there appears the main reason I like your gig pics: many funny situations.

Tomi J. look like he is going to fly like a super hero and he as marketing and auction Esa.
Tomi K. attempt to flirt to Esa.
Sande with he's mustache (although it isn't your fault)
Ahhhhh!!!!!!! All of your pics are amazing!!!! Little bit jealous because they can come to Mexico almost every year xD no, but these photos are simply amazing!!! <3
Wow great photos and from the gig I never thought to go and I didn't. Now I can see photos of it, thanks! Photos are amazing and please keep on uploading photos here (you all). :worship:
...and what lens? Great pics again.

In those Umeå photos there appears the main reason I like your gig pics: many funny situations.
(also to Tuuletar & Anahi, my pleasure!)

Tomi J. looks like he is marketing and auctioning Esa.
Clearly trying a new strategy, as earlier efforts to get rid of just the guitar were blatantly unsuccessful...

Clearly trying a new strategy, as earlier efforts to get rid of just the guitar were blatantly unsuccessful...


Heh what would happen if somebody would take a guitar if is near the stage? Or to who he tryes to give a guitar, to someone in the band? :)
Hey mosquito, what kind of camera are you using?

Eurynome said:
...and what lens?

I currently shoot with a Canon 50D. At the time I was using my kit lens which is 28-135 3.5/5.6. Nowadays I usually shoot with a 24-70 2.8. Still use my Canon 50D though. Hoping for an upgrade soon but that could still be awhile. :(

I admit that I was fairly inexperienced at the time. I had just bought the camera about 1 month before coming over to Finland but gave myself a crash course and learned as much as I could at the time, but even then I relied on a lot of automatic stuff that I do manually without hesitation now. However, I did have experience in photography beforehand so that still gave me some breathing room. I'm sure I looked like a fool in the pit running back and forth though, something that I rarely do nowadays.
Please add more photos :) Here is so many people who has so much lovely photos with high quality, it doesn't have to be new photos, everything goes :)
Please add more photos :) Here is so many people who has so much lovely photos with high quality, it doesn't have to be new photos, everything goes :)

Well, I have so much photos that I rather link those folders of mine - there are all the photos taken during four years. However here are some examples as well :)

2009 (damn old photos, from my first two gigs)
The gig @ Finlandia-klubi, Lahti 2009




2010, Magic & Mayhem-tour






2012 (+ the acoustic gigs)


To be continued, I guess...
Straight quote from my man while watching MasterChef "Why that one guy (Koippari) doesn't say anything?" :p