Amorphis photos

Looks like everyone has good table manners, besides Niclas. His elbows are ON the table...
So what was for dinner?

Niclas also tapped burgers when telling his opinion.

There was two (or four, 'cause Sande had vegeburgers) kind of burgers.
The winner had cow beef, bbq-sauce, mustard, cheese and onion with sweet potato chips.
This team's vegeburger was also better.
The other had beef of cow and pork (70/30), vegetables etc. and potato chips.
The biggest (or piggest) problem was that the steak was raw and the veggie had too much salt.
I ment burger patty with that 'steak'. Raw steak is fine, but raw burger patty with pork isn't.

That burger theme was for Amorphis, because they are expert of fast food and burgers 'cause touring.

Is this the Finnish version of the show or did I miss something?
Thank you for the photos :) Somehow they seem so much better in here and I love photos which catch an athmosphere. What have I missed this time..? What show is that of all these Masterchief/The best chief/the worst chief/any chief-programm..? I usually don't wantc them, I am bored to death to cook daily :Smokedev:
Is this the Finnish version of the show or did I miss something?
Yeah, I guess the format has been licensed all over the world. It's actually the second cooking show within three months to feature Amorphis, so in case the new album flops, a new career in reality TV seems to become a realistic alternative. :loco: Not that I would forego the offer of a free and fresh-made burger, as long as it's the veggie version.
I try to see guys tattoos but I feel like I can't build a good picture of them in my head no matter how many photos I have seen :cry:
Good morning there! Even though I'm tired, exhausted and everything in between, I apparently was energetic enough to arrange some photos from the album release gig at Circus. Really great gig indeed, without doubt one of the best gigs I have seen from this band - all the songs from Circle, and the overall atmosphere.:kickass:








And as a bonus, one from the signing session...


Some more here.
Wihii! None of my photos are publishable. :(
But the gig was a great success and very special!!
Thank you for the photos!!! Mine are not also not good to puplish :( The singning session would have been great, but I alreeagy had been in Helsinki before that day and came back at the evening, no power to drive 3 times to Helsinki in 1 day.
I only took a few pics during the encore, here you go. Great show indeed. Even the sound was good, which is rare at Circus.
(Of course most bands visiting there do not enjoy the possibility of doing a full PA rehearsal the day before the show. )
















Here's a few more in smaller size.
"Even the sound was good, which is rare at Circus."
We were thinking the same! Ah, guys throwing their stuff to the auduence :) I never have courage to try to get them, I got maybe the last time lasting of my life horror after Children of Bodom threw stuff near me, it was like a nightmare, a purgatory as bigger and stronger younger guys attack to get something and they almost tear others flesh off trying to get something. But must say that audience is different in Amorphis and CoB gigs. I feel safer in Amorphis gigs!