Amp settings when using Impulses?


Sep 19, 2008
Delaware, USA
Hey guys, I've been experimenting with impulses a lot lately and my guitar tone has improved 10 fold (It's hard getting a good miced tone from a krank 4x12 with eminence v12s). I was just wondering what amp settings have worked well when using impulses and what specific impulses you use. Its a bitch trying to dial in a usable tone when I do all my tracking in the basement with a cheap 8 track recorder (no money for a good interface yet), then do all the mixing on the second floor of my house.

So if anyone could post some amp settings for a 5150 and/or krank rev 1 when using only preamp out, it would be very helpful.
IMHO if you mic your 5150 with these settings on damn near any cab, you'll get a better tone than you will with impulses: (oclocks)
pre 11:30
lo 2
mid 10
high 11:30
res full
presence full

literally if you give it some volume and place a 57 on the center straight on, you'll get a better metal tone than any impulse. you don't even need to listen to dial anything in. you'll have to apply some EQ later, but it will pwn any impulse I've heard.

No I don't produce records for signed bands, maybe this is why.
Hmm, I'd advise against full presence (makes it sound like a SS crate amp to me), but go with whatever sounds best to you!