Amps that changed the sound of rock/metal.....


Jan 31, 2007
Certainly, the Dual Rectifier changed the sound of metal when it came out in the early '90's. I'm just curious what amps you think may have played a major role in shaping the sound of metal since then, and what the next sound-changing amp might be?
Why the JCM900 ahjteam? I can't think of many metal people who use it over the 800, though I guess the thread title does include rock ( :yuk: ). My votes would be Recto, 5150, JCM800, I guess the Mark series (much lower profile, I think, though I suppose still very often used), and the Pod. And maybe the Soldano SLO100 and Bogner Uberschall.
I think it's hard to think of a successor in this list because the reason why these amps are legends now is the fact that they have been used by almost every player at the time they revolutionized the sound of a whole genre. Nowadays there are just way to many amps available to see something like that happen.
Why the JCM900 ahjteam? I can't think of many metal people who use it over the 800, though I guess the thread title does include rock ( :yuk: ).

Meant to write JCM800, the numbers are next to each other :)

edit: And there is the VOX AC30 on the rock side that has a really really distinctive sound. Also the thing that has "revolutionized" hometraining, not so much on the studio, would be Roland Microcube. I heard they've been sold over a million units since it was introduced few years ago.
And now for the "unsung heroes" list of amps:

  • Randall Warhead - simply because of Dimebag. Sure we all know it was in his hands - but in his heyday nearly everyone wanted his sound, Randall or not.
  • Ampeg SVT with 8x10 cab - enables bassists to drown everyone else out! Playing ability not required.

And my personal favorite, the FAIL amps:
  • Crate - the go-to amps of metal guitar n00bs everywhere! Especially the ones that have a switch for "lights" in addition to power since there's no such thing as standby when you have one of these tone gems :loco:
  • Marshall ValveState - see Crate
  • Carvin Legacy - sounds great, but only if you ARE Steve Vai
  • Laney - sounds great, but only if you ARE Paul Gilbert or Mattias "IA" Eklundh
  • Line 6 Spider Valve - Sounds even less like a tube amp than Line 6's all-digital offerings
  • Boss Metal Zone - who needs an amp? Plug it into your soundcard for instant n00b metal!
  • Behringer - Lifetime achievement award - they are changing music through signal degradation, one component at a time, not just in metal, and not only with amps.