Amps that changed the sound of rock/metal.....

Do you think that these cool hi-gain amps like Engl, Bogner, Diezel and Krank really had a major role changing the sound of metal? I mean, they have a wonderful tone, but IMHO they didn´t changed that much how metal sounds. At least nothing compared to Mesa Dual Rectifier and Mark, Marshall JCM800 and Plexi, Peavey 5150, Vox AC30, Soldano SLO100 and Line6 POD line.
I see some of you guys posting replys pertaining to what has actually been critical in recording and pro history and some of you who are kind of replying with what consumers are snatching up trying to chase the tone of their favorite records.

I think there is a few amps out there that actually had real impact on what we expect to hear from a well produced rock and metal recording.

Mesa- Dual rec, MarkIIc+, III and IV
Peavey 5150
Marshall Jcm 800 and Superlead- Especially any good hotrodded marshall

Those are the most influential in my opinion and there is a reason we continue to hear these amps again and again on records.
i had a crate 100w 212 combo when i was 18 and for a beginners amp it smoked!!! pinch harmonics scream and dimebag riffage sizzled!!! not a serious amp but for an intermediate musician it was fucking stellar!!!
And - though Shane/Kazrog listed them as epic failures - the Marshall Valvestates undoubtedly deserve some recognition for igniting the wave of hybrid amps that, like solid states, could never step out of it's niche. The Mosfets too...
And - though Shane/Kazrog listed them as epic failures - the Marshall Valvestates undoubtedly deserve some recognition for igniting the wave of hybrid amps that, like solid states, could never step out of it's niche. The Mosfets too...

What amps were MosFETS? Did the Valvestates use that as their power section?
What amps were MosFETS? Did the Valvestates use that as their power section?

I mean the Lead 100 Mosfet, which was basically the first Marshall with a Mosfet section, all around solid-state. Was a big step in the development of solid-states . I've heard many people argue that the Lead 100 Mosfets were a lot better than their successors, the MG series.

AFAIK only the 8280 and 8200 of the first Valvestate series had MOSFET transistors.
If I had to make a list- for metal; I'm excluding the old Fenders, Voxes and such- it would look something like this:

Marshall Superlead- you figure it out.

Marshall JMP- Master volume. (and if you know your Marshall history, you know the JCM 800 is pretty much the same amp.) Not the first master volume, but the tone for a large chunk of heavy music history was defined by those amps.

Mesa Mark II- Channel switcher, cascading gain stages.

Marshall JCM 800 2205 and 2210- Channel switcher with separate EQ and gain controls for the clean channel.

Soldano SLO 100- Modern high gain.

Mesa Dual Rectifier- A huge tonal shift from the upper mid bite of the Marshalls that previously defined high gain guitar tones. Thick low mids and massive bottom end; very different tone-wise from the previous generation of high gain amps like the SLO and Mesa Mark IV.

I don't know where the 5150 or some of the more recent designs (Engls, Uberschall, etc.) would fit in there after the Recto. God knows the 5150's pervasive enough- it's like the JCM 800 of this generation of metal.