Laney Amps? BBE? Andy give me the answers!


Dec 19, 2001
Louisville KY
I just bought the Laney VH100R tube amp Head with the Laney 4X12 cabinet! It kicks Ass! Its a very Versatile Beast! I love it! I also own a 5150 Head But I think I'm gonna sell it now!Sure the 5150 has a shitload of gain but thats about it!
Im just Curious Andy, Have you ever dealt with Laney Amps in a recording situation? If so, how do they compare to the 5150 & Dual rectifier amps?
Also How much can the BBE Sonic Maximizer enhance your guitar tone? Any suggestians on what type of BBE to use for guitar? Have you ever used them for your guitar rig?

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I think the Laney stuff sounds OK, never found one that I prefered over a rectifier, but thats not to say it's not good.
Sonic no no no. If you have to add that to your rig, you've got the wrong amp in my oppinion. You need that mid range crunch, the BBE will just fizz it up, I'd steer well clear of those things for gtr