Amps that should be thrown out of the window.

Hehe, ok! Store opens on monday, I'll give it a shot with a pedal then. (I had about the same settings) but I have to try the dual this time.
I'm not sensitive about the gear, but when people don't think I can dial in an amp I get pissed haha. :lol: What country are you from? The rectos are not as popular here in Sweden as for instance in the US. Anyway sorry about the smartass thing I didn't mean for you to get upset or anthing, it was a joke. :saint:

Alright man its cool, im from the UK. The pedal is a must for me personally, it doubles the quality of the amp it seems. I havent got round to buying a 808 or anything so im just using a YJM DOD308 for the time and it still does a good job. Id like to get my paws on a 808 though, but not much longer to wait.

As I said ive never tried a single but I hear they are quite different in tone to a dual or triple.

Give it a shot. No hard feelings ey ;):lol:
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the legendary JCM-900 yet.
Worst distortion channel ever!

P.S. If you cannot get attack out of a Dual Rectifier you must pick like a girl.
Legend has it in the 70s that every Traynor amp was tested by Pete Traynor by throwing it out of a window of his 2nd story workshop. The logic was if it was strong enough to withstand the shock of landing it would be strong enough stand the rigors of the road. I wouldnt try it with the new Traynor amps (they are not made by Pete Traynor anymore), but the old ones were tough and a lot of them are still alive.
Legend has it in the 70s that every Traynor amp was tested by Pete Traynor by throwing it out of a window of his 2nd story workshop. The logic was if it was strong enough to withstand the shock of landing it would be strong enough stand the rigors of the road. I wouldnt try it with the new Traynor amps (they are not made by Pete Traynor anymore), but the old ones were tough and a lot of them are still alive.

Hahaha so every one in the shop that you buy had a huge dent in the side :p ;) Tried and tested! :p
I haven't tryed it with a pedal since I'm kinda anti pedal hehe. I like to have the floor as clean as possible, only an amp, a speaker, a rack effect and one pedal-swither to control them all ;) Anyway I'm sure it's great for your taste of music, I actually used to worship those amps in the past when I was playing NU-metal, but I discovered the ENGL's and got into more thrash, speed and death metal for which the ENGL's are more suitable, at least to me.

Well... duals were used on a lot of nu-metal albums, but that's a totally different way of dialing em in. I dislike that sound personally- but they do great for death, thrash, almost anything heavy really. I actually love the dead heart in a dead world settings- beastly and clear.
Anything Crate - Nothing has ever sounded good from this manufacturer.

For Crate, you can't expect to dial in a Marshall or Mesa or 5150 tone - Crates have their own sound and more people are disappointed because they can't get some other amp's sound. Hell, I have a solid-state Crate that I chose over several amps (a 5150 included) because it did what I wanted better and it loved the mic. Also, note Marty Friedman.

As for things to throw out the window... *dons bulletproof vest and shitproof parka*... anything with tubes. Seriously, fuck tubes. It's 2007. We have the technology to watch other people fucking from hundreds of miles away with more detail than we'd get in real life. We have computer software that can engage in more meaningful conversations than the average American.
We have credit cards that don't even have to be taken out of our pockets to complete transactions. Do you really mean to tell me that we can't do better than FUCKING GODDAMNED LIGHTBULBS?

^if thats how we should be thinking...lets get rid of drummers also since we software to do that(and most other instruments) for us...
^if thats how we should be thinking...lets get rid of drummers also since we software to do that(and most other instruments) for us...

Except that I'm arguing against holding on to outdated technology whose replacement everywhere else has brought about significant advancement and not *people*... right. Exactly.

As for things to throw out the window... *dons bulletproof vest and shitproof parka*... anything with tubes. Seriously, fuck tubes. It's 2007. We have the technology to watch other people fucking from hundreds of miles away with more detail than we'd get in real life. We have computer software that can engage in more meaningful conversations than the average American.
We have credit cards that don't even have to be taken out of our pockets to complete transactions. Do you really mean to tell me that we can't do better than FUCKING GODDAMNED LIGHTBULBS?

maybe we should not even bother fucking then, and start selectively breeding children in glass tubes...

seriously though, tube amps are never, ever, ever going away...not just because of their tone, but because of the feel/response. i've played a fucking lot of solid state amps, but none of them have that special feeling and responsiveness that vacuum tubes generate.
I see exactly what Jeff is saying, and I'm sure that soon enough someone will invent GFH (Guitarist From Hell) and we won't even need guitar players anymore. But I feel that most people aren't gonna give up the depth and pressure of a 100W tube amp cranked making your bollocks shake. I just think a Pod or something like that, won't give you the same feeling.
ive never tried a single but I hear they are quite different in tone to a dual or triple.

The Single Recto doesen't have nearly as much low end than the Dual or Triple. I had a Single for some time, and I just got a brand new Triple Rectifier. The Triple sounds huge and it has low end from here to wazooo, but the low end is insanely tight and even with my 7-string, every note comes out clearly. The Single couldn't keep up with the fast B-string licks, but there is no problem when using the Triple. Everything comes out nice and clear.

The Single sounded thin and harsh compared to the Triple, and the low end was pretty weak.

The DHIADW-settings work very nicely when playing with a Recto:

Silicon Diode
Bold mode

Red channel, modern mode

Bass: 11:30
mid: 10 o'clock
treble: 11:30
Presence: 12:30

gain: 12:30
I see exactly what Jeff is saying, and I'm sure that soon enough someone will invent GFH (Guitarist From Hell) and we won't even need guitar players anymore. But I feel that most people aren't gonna give up the depth and pressure of a 100W tube amp cranked making your bollocks shake. I just think a Pod or something like that, won't give you the same feeling.

I don't think you do. Don't confuse 'not tube' with 'digital' - have your amps and giant cabs and earth-shaking volumes, but we need to quit pretending tubes are the only way to get good sound and that solid state is inferior because the Gods of Metal made it that way. We'd have more versatile, reliable, and affordable gear if we pulled our heads out of our asses and started looking at the other options.

Seriously, guys, does nobody know how to actually argue with what someone says without making analogies that can't possibly be connected? You're not making yourselves look any brighter by attacking something completely separate from what I actually said and you're only shooting yourselves in the foot by refusing to acknowledge that sometimes new things can be good. Christ on a carousel, nobody says a word when people go for this and that amp, but someone comes in and says that tubes are overrated and it's like I'm advocating nuclear holocaust.

So basically you're saying that tubes are outdated, and that we should be looking to solid state stuff for the future? Because I don't know many solid state amps that can keep up with the tube amps. If there is some that exist, then I'll quite happily admit I'm wrong, but I can't remember hearing/seeing any that do.

Digital stuff I will admit however, does sound good, I admit the comment about the cranked tube amp was stupid.

Overall, I do agree that tubes are overrated, I just think we need a few more advances in other avenues before it really starts to take a back seat.

And just to make sure, I'm not trying to start an argument here, I'm just giving my opinion, don't get angry or take any of it to heart :).
I don't know what you mean by 'keep up with', you could clarify that a bit. If you're talking about tone, that's subjective, and there's no reason why a solid-state amp tweaked right could fool someone into thinking that they were listening to a tube amp. If you're talking about reliability, there's no comparison at all - a decently made solid state amp doesn't need tubes or transformers replaced, is less sensitive to heat change, doesn't wear nearly as much over time, and is much safer from shock.

On top of that, after all is said and done in amp technology the modern tube amp has far from a good history as far as technology goes - the 12AX7 is a shitty tube that was chosen for availability and price, not tone, and the only reason one can justify its current use is that everyone has heard of it and everything else uses it. I'm supposed to believe that it makes everything sound magically better through... fairy dust? Fuck that. I'd bet good money that a guitarist who didn't get told constantly that tubes sound better because... they do, you know?... wouldn't give three-quarters of a shit about them if you gave him a good tube amp and a good solid-state amp and told him to have a go at them.

Yeah, I get what you mean, I guess we are all used to hearing stuff recorded with tube amps, so it automatically becomes the norm, and the standard for everything/everyone. I agree entirely that solid state amps are a hell of a lot more reliable, I just personally haven't heard a solid state amp that I like the sound of yet, so tubes are king for me at this moment in time (again, this is all just my opinion). And when I said "keep up with", I meant tone wise, imo there isn't a solid state amp that I've heard that's left my speachless, like a lot of tube amps have.