Amps that should be thrown out of the window.

I don't know what you mean by 'keep up with', you could clarify that a bit. If you're talking about tone, that's subjective, and there's no reason why a solid-state amp tweaked right could fool someone into thinking that they were listening to a tube amp. If you're talking about reliability, there's no comparison at all - a decently made solid state amp doesn't need tubes or transformers replaced, is less sensitive to heat change, doesn't wear nearly as much over time, and is much safer from shock.

On top of that, after all is said and done in amp technology the modern tube amp has far from a good history as far as technology goes - the 12AX7 is a shitty tube that was chosen for availability and price, not tone, and the only reason one can justify its current use is that everyone has heard of it and everything else uses it. I'm supposed to believe that it makes everything sound magically better through... fairy dust? Fuck that. I'd bet good money that a guitarist who didn't get told constantly that tubes sound better because... they do, you know?... wouldn't give three-quarters of a shit about them if you gave him a good tube amp and a good solid-state amp and told him to have a go at them.


Your points definitely make sense from a purely theoretical standpoint, dude, but I'm not clear what your stance is on the comparison; are you saying that you do think solid state is capable of matching tubes for sound quality, and if one were to do a blind-folded tone test, no one would be able to tell the difference? Or are you advocating that our notion of tubes sounding the best is just from having heard them so much and being used to them? Cuz if it's the latter, well, that's not gonna change any time soon, and if it's the former, then give some examples man; "put your money where your mouth is," so to speak.
Your points definitely make sense from a purely theoretical standpoint, dude, but I'm not clear what your stance is on the comparison; are you saying that you do think solid state is capable of matching tubes for sound quality, and if one were to do a blind-folded tone test, no one would be able to tell the difference? Or are you advocating that our notion of tubes sounding the best is just from having heard them so much and being used to them? Cuz if it's the latter, well, that's not gonna change any time soon, and if it's the former, then give some examples man; "put your money where your mouth is," so to speak.

Agreed. I have taken a blindfold test at a local music store (they had this as part of a grand opening party thing). Out of 14 amps (7 solid state/hybrid, 7 tube) each amp was run clean and dirty...I was 100% right on my choices. And I don't claim to have the best ears either.
It's the second. Currently I'm working on putting together my own 'dream circuit' that would give me exactly I want and when I'm working it through testing phases I'll certainly be posting clips. I think it should be noted that I'm not calling for transistors or digital modelers to replace tubes so much as trying to find new nuances and oddities that beat them as well - say all you want about our mentality not changing any time soon, if we keep treating solid state and digital as the tubes' retarded little brother then of course we're not getting much out of it, I'm looking for a different movement entirely. We already drop tubes out all over the place - that's right, set that Rectifier to 'silicone diode', you're not taking a tube out of the loop and replacing it with something impure and unholy - and it's just time to drop the voodoo horseshit.

From Harmony Central about the Gorilla TC-35 Tube Cruncher.. haha :D

"This amp makes two basic tones. The so-called 'clean' tone sounds like a cheap transistor radio with a two inch speaker. The 'tube crunch' function takes this tone and degrades it into a toneless scratchiness reminiscent of a small puppy being tortured with sandpaper".

"Look, guys. I'm going to tell you the straight story here. Gorilla has a well-earned reputation as the world's worst guitar amps. And there's a LOT of worthless shit on the market! Gorilla is worse than any of them. Playing through a Gorilla will ensure that any musician you come in contact with will immediately assume you're a clueless asshole. And that's the hard truth".
We already drop tubes out all over the place - that's right, set that Rectifier to 'silicone diode', you're not taking a tube out of the loop and replacing it with something impure and unholy - and it's just time to drop the voodoo horseshit.


*Cough*Tube screamer*Cough* :)

ps. I love tubeamps with clipping transistor shits before it(TS...)
good points all round kids.
the crate blue voodoo should be defenestrated, as should the mode 4, impossible to get a good sound out of either of em.

but seriously, if someone can make a ss amp sound as good as my 5150 or my dsl100 or my dual rec. then hats off to em. and i want one, now, for free
From Harmony Central about the Gorilla TC-35 Tube Cruncher.. haha :D

"This amp makes two basic tones. The so-called 'clean' tone sounds like a cheap transistor radio with a two inch speaker. The 'tube crunch' function takes this tone and degrades it into a toneless scratchiness reminiscent of a small puppy being tortured with sandpaper".

"Look, guys. I'm going to tell you the straight story here. Gorilla has a well-earned reputation as the world's worst guitar amps. And there's a LOT of worthless shit on the market! Gorilla is worse than any of them. Playing through a Gorilla will ensure that any musician you come in contact with will immediately assume you're a clueless asshole. And that's the hard truth".

Ever seen the Guitar Clinic video of Mattias Eklundh using a small Gorilla guitar amp. Oddly enough, he made it sound pretty good....for what it was.
Hey, talk about "tone in the fingers" - though I've always felt like that adage applies more to lead work rather than straight rhythm playing, cuz there's only so much variation between relatively competent players when it comes to chugging power chords, so that's where gear really does enter into play. Just making my point about the semantics.
Alright man its cool, im from the UK. The pedal is a must for me personally, it doubles the quality of the amp it seems. I havent got round to buying a 808 or anything so im just using a YJM DOD308 for the time and it still does a good job. Id like to get my paws on a 808 though, but not much longer to wait.

As I said ive never tried a single but I hear they are quite different in tone to a dual or triple.

Give it a shot. No hard feelings ey ;):lol:

Ok tried it! Sure man the muddiness dissapeared. However It's still nothing for me, it sounds too american, some people might like that but I play scandinavian metal. So my conclusion is: Decent amp, but I wouldn't buy it before the ENGL Savage, ENGL Powerball, 5150 or JSX which also are much cheaper, but price has nothing to do with it.
The Single Recto doesen't have nearly as much low end than the Dual or Triple. I had a Single for some time, and I just got a brand new Triple Rectifier. The Triple sounds huge and it has low end from here to wazooo, but the low end is insanely tight and even with my 7-string, every note comes out clearly. The Single couldn't keep up with the fast B-string licks, but there is no problem when using the Triple. Everything comes out nice and clear.

The Single sounded thin and harsh compared to the Triple, and the low end was pretty weak.

Yeah that's what I noticed as well, the Dual did sound a little better actually. I play 7 stringed as well so it's really important to have a tight amp.