ampsim lead sound help


Jul 4, 2009
Ok i have never been very good at lead guitars sounds. So i would like some setting/chain help from ppl. I use ampsims through my amps power section for practising. I have a good sound for rhythm, but cant seem to get a good lead tone.

Musical influences are Testament/Megadeth/Nevermore mostly
Try using the same rhythm tone, but up the mids and highs and then add some reverb and delay or whatever effect you like.

I personally use the Eddie Kramer lead voicing plugin on my recorded Mark works well.
Use the same settings u have for the rhytm tone and just add reverb and delay. Use the neck pickup to change the tone
I'd personally use more gain, more mids/highs, and maybe a different amp sim to get a different character out of a lead tone. That way you won't have the same frequencies of rhy and leads clashing. Also, EQ...HP higher, and make room for the lead tone to sit with the rhys.
Ok thanks guys. I currently have the same sound as ryth but have reverb and a dash of delay. But remember this is not for recording but for jamming.
yes.. i was playing yestarday with a gate tse808 lextac recabinet and CLA 3A.

lextac settigs.. red channel.. all 12 o clock excep mids at 2 o clock, treble at 4 o clock and power amp all the way up!!!

use the volume of the tse808 to reduce the amount of gain... and a low pass filter to remove the fizz..

awesome sound!!

a shitty playing demo for you solo.mp3