Amusing/Inspiring Moments In The LAMENTATIONS DVD

Oct 26, 2002
These are some of my favourite moments on the DVD...

Right after the second solo in "Windowpane," Mikael plays the riff by himself before the band starts again. His eyes are closed and they remain that way until he sings again...awesome...

There's a point in between songs where the crowd in the front row get rowdy and Mikael says, "That's right! Keep posing for the camera!" :D

There's a girl in the audience who continually screams like a banshee. Some in the audience chuckle when she goes off, and I even think they show her in one cousin watched the DVD and when he heard her he said "My goodness! Is someone getting raped in the audience?"

Right before "To Rid The Disease," Mikael refers to the track as a 'dark and evil' song but that even though it was mellow didn't mean that it was any less dark and evil? The crowd mumbles and then one guy, in his best monster vocal, said "NO, IT DOESN'T!" :lol:

The ending to "Closure" where it's fast and heavy. Most people either love it or hate it, but it is indeed a great moment in the DVD.

After the main riff to "The Drapery Falls," the riff that Mikael plays, it goes to the softer, atmospheric guitar by Peter, and they slow that part up a bit. It sounds so awesome; I was just soaking it up.

On the documentary, Mikael talks smack about the Red Hot Chili Peppers, claiming they make 'albums that sound the same after every release.' And the name of the first song he wrote, entitled "I Hate Hip Hop." :lol:
2 Classic moments come to mind. The brilliant "I want the vocals to sound like I'm inside an orange" quote. And the look on Mikaels face on a bit in deliverance where he's just about to go out of the clean verse to the heavy bit. It looks like he knows that his guitar is being possesed by satan or something.
'The album's called Deliverance....'
'... andd??'
'... Dahhhhmnation...'
'Deliverance and Damnation' *knock knock*
*sly remark from Peter* 'damn ur good'
*cam pans to Peter; Peter looks away*

A few nights after watching this for the first time I suffered from the biggest hangover in my life... me and 2 friends were laughing at that one scene for 8 hours, throughout the morning hours of the day whilst our memories were slowly creeping back.
Seriously this band is hilarious.

Me and my friend laughed our asses off at that part where the audience is like "awwww...." because there's one more track and Mikael nods his and and says "..yes yes.." like a teacher or something Lol...
'I was just fuckn' around with the guitars and he fixed some sound for it and it sounded... sooo fucking eviiil'

Good moments are also when you see them recording heavily effect-oriented parts... like that one with 'In My Time of NEed' where Peter is virtually just touching the guitar and its chorusing by itself.
I didn't like Lamentations much.... a fine piece of produced work that sounds great (go DTS) but it just seemed to lack energy and the rawness you usually get with Opeth live. Maybe it's because they couldn't play the old stuff :)
Mikael is the funniest guy ever! Ok, maybe not, and he defiitely shouldn't quit his day job (Opeth) and go into stand-up, but he has a few great lines on the DVD.

Lopez is hilarious, I love that whole thing about the guy from the studio replacing the mic. Maybe it's the accent or something... CLASSIC!