Amusing/Inspiring Moments In The LAMENTATIONS DVD

I like the documentary at the end where Mikael is recording some evil death growls (for the Deliverence track if I remember). After each "Rooowwwrrr!" he looks through the glass (at S Wilson I guess) grinning as if "Hey! Pretty good? yeah?" And then another "Rooowwwrrr!" and then another grin back at the studio... It just seemed really funny to me.
The most inspiring moment was when they walked on stage and started playing.. :notworthy

Also,when Mikael says after 'Ending Credits', " That was totaly ripped off from Camel" least he is honest :p

Also also, near the end of 'The Drapery Falls' (last 40 seconds) Mike's got the biggest smile on his face! You can tell he enjoys what he does :grin:
$profit$ said:
I like the documentary at the end where Mikael is recording some evil death growls (for the Deliverence track if I remember). After each "Rooowwwrrr!" he looks through the glass (at S Wilson I guess) grinning as if "Hey! Pretty good? yeah?" And then another "Rooowwwrrr!" and then another grin back at the studio... It just seemed really funny to me.

Hilarious man!! I'm laughing my ass off here!! I remember that scene. He's screaming like a monster and then looks like a little kid asking for a cookie :lol:
Ben_Bids_You_Farewell said:
The most inspiring moment was when they walked on stage and started playing.. :notworthy

Also,when Mikael says after 'Ending Credits', " That was totaly ripped off from Camel" least he is honest :p

Also also, near the end of 'The Drapery Falls' (last 40 seconds) Mike's got the biggest smile on his face! You can tell he enjoys what he does :grin:

In Holland he said, 'this is the "Focus" song' (a Dutch band) about "Ending Credits"
AbsentFriend said:
Hilarious man!! I'm laughing my ass off here!! I remember that scene. He's screaming like a monster and then looks like a little kid asking for a cookie :lol:

I realized the same thing when they're recording the vocal harmonies for Master's Apprentices. It's quite hysteric to be honest. He even asks "was that alright" to which Wilson goes "*mumble* sort of..." :lol:
I like the part when Steve goes to lay down his vocals and Mikael goes over to the computer and Steve starts singing off key....and Mikael's he was going to cover his ears...just fucking hilarious, I had to see that part a few times just for kicks.
Rejvk said:
And the look on Mikaels face on a bit in deliverance where he's just about to go out of the clean verse to the heavy bit. It looks like he knows that his guitar is being possesed by satan or something.
I laughed my ass off when I first saw that. Mike makes some pretty funny facial expressions while playing guitar ;)
Lamentations is great dvd to chill out to and drink beers! If I had known they were going to release this a year ago I may not have picked up damnation. Did anyone else get annoyed by the camera continously zooming up into Mikael's nostrils? :rock:
I always laugh when Mikael is explaining all the great sounds Steven Wilson can do with vocals & Mike explains about how the beatles wanted to sound like there playing inside an organge & then he sais ''like totally fucked up stuff like that'' the way he sais it makes me laugh.
I always get inspired watching the solos (as a guitar player), and as a fan of metal, I LOVE when they're recording damnation vocals, etc, and then after ages of mellow vox and guitar, Mikael says something like "but we're still a death metal band" and then he just does the coolest fucking sounds so much heavier since it was focussed on the clean vox up until there.

Fuck I love that bit...