J. Golden
Heaven and Hell Records
That's correct, you are a jackass. His name is Comic Book Dude, so either you just randomly attacked him for being a fan of Amy Winehouse, making you a total dickhead, or you can't read.
I believe I was attacked first so kiss my ass.
Second of all, quantifiable proof that she's getting more attention than the shootings in Norway, or are you so easily tooled by the sensationalism of her death that you in turn sensationalize it?
Watch any new outlet genius.
Thirdly, with all due respect, fuck off. Drug addiction is not a joke -- it's a serious issue. I don't think Amy's family, or Paul Grey's family, or Layne Staley's family, or Chris Farley's family, or any non- famous person who overdosed and died from drug addiction's family should be insulted and disrespected in the fashion you're doing it in. It's not funny.
Not laughing at drug addiction, maybe you can't read. Still everyone knows what they are getting into with the drugs so I really can't feel sorry for them if they die from it. It is not like people don't know it can happen.
And as the other poster said, if you want to talk about the atrocity that took place in Norway, make another thread about it. It's not a contest. It's not anyone else's fault that you have some blind notion in your head that nobody is covering the story, when in reality there's far more coverage of it than Amy Winehouse's death and you're just a typical metal dork that takes any media sensationalism over an "evil" celebrity's death seriously. You're a tool.[/QUOTE]